Chapter 32: Missing you

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'Fredrick Gideon Weasley if you don't tell me where the fuck she is right now i will murder you' harry screams

'Look harry, go see her on Friday and stop bloody yelling, you making my neck ache from having to look down on you' i reply

'That's it Fred'

And before i knew it, the boy had attempted to charge into me, however his short ass rebounded against my shoulder and flew back to hit Rylee who was innocently sleeping on Georges lap.

'What the- potter your dead' she yelled and began to start chasing him around the common room

'Georgie I'm worried' i say as i hold my head into my hands and sit beside him on the sofa

'I know you are mate, she's gonna be just fine though' he assured me and patted my back.

'just take my mind off it will you?' i asked as i heavy sighed

'Sure thing, joke shop?'

'Nah, how's things with Rylee?, I've been a tad preoccupied at the minute'

'its going great, she's perfect for me' he says with a smile as he watches the dark haired girl hex the younger boy.

'its gonna hit you hard when she leaves isn't it?'

'Not just me, Kaylee's going to be shattered, she told me that Rylee's the closest best friend she's ever had' he sighed

I ran my fingers through my hair and thought about it, he was right, those two are inseparable.

'Asked her to the yule ball yet?'

'Nope, I'm planning on doing it tonight' he replied with a smirk

'What's tonight?' i asked

'Nothing special, just want to make sure no one gets there before i do' he replied

'Makes sense'

'What about kay?' he asked

'I have something planned, but I'm not rushing it' i reply

'Well id get a move on if i were you' Hermione chipped in as she put her book down

'Whys that granger?' i asked curiously

'She's already been asked by two people, declined both obviously, and Blaise came up to me earlier trying to find her, said he had a question, and i think we all know what that means' she said

'Zabini?' me and my twin asked in unison

The girl sighed and opened her book 'Know any other Blaise's do you?' she huffed

'Shit, i didn't realise, but she has to go with me, I'm her boyfriend' i say

'Kaylee doesn't 'have' to do anything, and if you don't hurry up she's got a hell of a lot of options' Rylee adds once she returned and sat back down by George who kissed her softly.

'Harry!' i yell to get the boys attention whose looking after the girl hexed him 'I'm coming to dinner with you on Friday'

'Oh god' he grunted before sitting down next to Ron


'Good morning my dear' Mrs Weasley said warmly as i headed down into the kitchen , it was Friday morning now, and i had spent most of yesterday asleep or drugged up and wanted to see uncle lupin before heading back to school.

'Morning Mrs Weasley' i reply as i head over to the coffee machine.

'How many times do i have to tell you! its molly' she says kindly causing me to laugh

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