Chapter 22: Caffeine

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quick announcement

Okay, so before I start this chapter, I need people to comment like a small characters description...

As i am going to introduce a few new characters for this year, it can be yourself if you like, just tell me your name, and briefly what you look like to i can add you in ...

make sure you vote if you want to be in the story xxx

love you lots xx

comment the here and ill try to include all of them >>>>>

Okay ill shut now here's the chapter ...

I groan loudly at all the commotion that was disrupting my sleep.

'Get up kay' Fred says from behind me in a deep and raspy morning voice, god that's hot.

'shut the fuck up' i say plainly whilst rolling over and lazily throwing a pillow to his face.

'Not the morning type are we' he replies

'Oh no theres nothing i enjoy more than being woken up at 4:30 in the bloody morning' i snap back

'See thats the spirit' he replied cheerfully whilst grabbing my waist and attempting to pull me out of bed.

He finally gets me sat up straight after minutes of me struggling and hitting him as i tried to defend myself and get back to sleep.

'Come on love get changed' he says calmly

'Id rather not thanks' i snap and sink back into the bed getting comfy

'Oh no you dont' he replied and pulls the duvet off, revealing my pretty much naked body.

'I hate you' i say sternly whilst puling it back on

'You've left me no choice' he says before muttering a spell and before i could do anything i was soaked in water.

'YOU FUCKING CUNT' i yell at the top of my voice, shivering from the cold

'Will you get dressed now?' he says as he stares at my wet and cold state waiting for my response 'I'll make you coffee' he adds causing me to raise an eyebrow at his appealing offer.

'Make it strong' i say before storming over to my bags and pulling out some clothes.

One thing you need to know about me, is that i am not a morning type whatsoever. My old dorm mates new this very well, they even made sure that as soon as i woke up i had a large cup of remarkably strong coffee so that i wouldn't make anyone cry or hex them.

what can I say, I'm a Sagittarius after all.

I also didn't function too well in the mornings, my remaining brain cells always took awhile to load, so if someone attempted to start a conversation i would either glare at them until they fucked off or just ignore them until they took the hint.

Once i had finally managed to get my balance and vision back, and perform a drying spell to my hair and body, i headed to the closet to try find something to wear, i soon realised that this was freds room and nothing would fit, so i headed out into the hall, completely forgetting i was just in a tank top and panties.

'Whoa love, as much as i appreciate the view, you need to put some clothes on' George says with a grin as i bump into him whilst rubbing my eyes.

'Huh..ohhh' i say as i realised i was half naked in the hall and tern a light shade of pink.

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