Chapter 37: The Second Task

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' 'mon Freddie we're gonna be late' my twin yelled as i pulled my jacket on and left the dorm room.

'Alright calm down, I'm here'

'Took you long enough'

'Right, let me just get kay' i reply and knock on the girls room.

'Fred?' Angelina asked with a confused expression

'Hey ange, is Kaylee in there?'

'Kaylee? we thought she was with you' she replies

'What, no when i came back last night she had gone'

'She's probably already there then, but she didn't come back last night Fred'

I had no idea what was going on, Kaylee wouldn't just leave.

'George where's Rylee?' i ask sternly as i turn to face my brother

'I'm here' her voice calls excitedly as she walks into the common room

'Have you seen Kaylee since last night?'

'Not since i put her in your room, what's happened?' she asks confused as her smile fades

'No ones seen her, she wasn't there when i got back after my shower' i say getting more and more concerned.

'She's probably saving spaces or something, don't worry' she says reassuringly but i could see in her eyes she was as confused as me.

'Yeah ,yeah your right' i say, trying to convince myself

We sit in one of the boats that takes us to the three stands in the centre of the black lake, i could see Harry already there and needed to ask him if he knew where she went.

My mind kept jumping to the worst scenarios.

'Fred!' a voice yelled, i turned to see harry calling me over.

'Where's Kaylee, i need to see her before i-' but i cut him off

'Harry, no ones seen her since last night, i though you might know'

'You mean, she's missing?' he says slowly with wide eyes

'I don't know, I'll ask cedric now' i rely as i spot the brown haired boy across from harry.

'Oi Diggory!' i yell, getting his attention

'Hey Fred, everything alright?' he asks once he sees my worried expression

'Not really, Kaylee's disappeared'

'What, when did you last see her?' he asks back, getting anxious.

'Late last night'

'Oh fuck, she'll be okay Fred' he says and pats my shoulder

'Yeah... well, good luck' i add before walking off to find George and Rylee.

When i got over to wher  they were standing, Rylee looked up at me with hopeful eyes but quickly stopped once she saw the concern painted on my face.

I shake my head slowly and catch the eyes of my brother, i could tell he was worried as well, there was an awful silence between us, before it was disturbed my Dumbledore announcing the task.

'Welcome to the second task, last night something was stolen from each of our champions, these four treasures now lie on the bottom of the black lake-'

I look over at harry who is glancing up at the crowds with a pale face, i knew he was looking for her.

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