Chapter 53: The Letter

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'Hermione, please help me organise these!' i whine, rushing into the great hall with my arms drenched in notes, folders and books.

'Here, here' she said, taking the top few layers off me so that I'd stop crashing into innocent bystanders.

'Bloody hell kay, bit overboard don't you think?' Ron muttered as he watched me and Hermione place all my stuff onto the table.

'Well, i have newts in a few weeks and I would rather not fail' i reply, wiping my sweatshirt now that it's not being squished.

'Fair enough' Harry added, sipping his pumpkin juice.

The boy had taken the Umbridge situation to heart and couldn't even face anyone after it happened.

Everyone knew it was not his fault, and no one would ever blame him, but nothing we said seemed to get through the barrier he had put up.

I had wrote to Sirius, seeking any advice he could give, but he hadn't replied yet so i was stuck with what to do.

He had been getting better, and now was able to actually leave his dorm room,which in itself was an improvement.

'Right can you lot look after these for a sec?'

'Sure, but why?' Ginny asked, tilting her head curiously.

'I'm going to see if winky will make me some of her nice coffee before I start to study' I reply, sitting up.

Hermione's eyes widened at the mention of the house elf.

'Kaylee you cant, they're overworked and underpaid!' she exclaimed, slamming her book onto the table.

'Honestly Mione, she really doesn't mind, we always have nice little chats' i say, patting her shoulder reassuringly, however she didn't seem convinced.

'It's slavery!'

'Look, I'm still slightly hungover from last night and i just need some coffee before i loose my mind' i say, my mind flashing back to the many shots me and lee took whilst the twins were off somewhere.

'Hungover? again?' Ginny laughed

'You have a problem' Ron joked

'I do not have a problem!' i state, narrowing my eyes.

'Sure' they muttered as i scoffed and walked away, nearly not noticing that harry was behind me.

'Harry' a voice called, i carried on walking.

'And, err Kaylee' the same voice said, making me turn around.

I came face to face with Seamus Finnigan, the Gryffindor in Harrys year, i vaguely remembered us having an argument about something but i couldn't quite put my finger on it.

'Yeah?' i ask, rather annoyed that i still hadn't got my coffee.

'I wanted to apologise, now me mum says the profits saying things that don't add what I'm really trying to say is that i believe you' he said, the students around us turning to face the drama.

'And Kaylee, about what i said' he started, facing me now.

I was trying my hardest to remember at least something of what he was talking about, but the mix of the fact that i was suffering from decaffeination and a hungover didn't help the situation.

'-I'm sorry for being so disrespectful' he carried on.

I felt someone's hand placed on the small of my back, glancing up to see who it was but instantly calmed down once i saw it was Fred.

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