Chapter 57: That Hurt

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I watched the girl sleep, her head on my lap and her legs sprawled across the sofa.

The healers had told us that it was completely normal for her to sleep a lot as even though she had been physically resting for the past month, her mind had been working at a much more intense level, causing her to suffer major exhaustion and drowsiness.

The others had been gone for around thirty minutes now and were due back any second, and as much as i hated waking her up, i knew it would be a lot smoother me doing it rather than a bunch of sixteen year olds.

'Kay' i say softly, shaking her shoulders lightly.

She groaned and rolled in towards me, her eyes fluttering open.

'The others are going to be home any second' i say as she sits up, wrapping her arms around my neck.

'Why the hell am i so fucking tired' she sighs, rubbing her forehead.

'It's completely normal' i reply, standing up, taking her with me as she didn't seem like she would be getting up.

She grinned, leaning her forehead against mine, a smirk tugging on my lips.


I tilted my head to the side, attaching my lips to his.

I ran my hands through his hair as whilst his travelled up my thighs and onto my waist.

We melted into the kiss, each of us knowing exactly what the other liked, knowing each others bodies like the back of our hands.

I grinned into his lips, pulling away and softly pecking his cheek as i knew his family were about to come home an I'd rather not have them see that.

He crouched, letting me stand back on the ground and steady myself, he made sure he held onto me tightly as i was still recovering from major injuries.


The familiar sound of apparition filled the room, taking me slightly by surprise.

'Kaylee!' voices screamed as i was nearly tackled to the floor by two girls.

I stood there in shock, until relaxing and returning the hugs.

'Kay, you don't understand how much we missed you' Hermione said, a tear running down her cheek.

I took my thumb up to her face and wiped it away, smiling at the curly haired girl.

'It was hell without you' Ginny added.

I wrapped an arm around each of their shoulders, a sense of warmness spreading through me now that i had been reunited with my friends.

I turn around, my eyes meeting with a brow haired boy.

Guilt painted all over his face.

'harry?' i say softly, slightly confused to why he's acting so distant.

It also hurt that he didn't seem very happy to see me again.

He looked away as soon as i said his name, trying his hardest not to make eye contact.

I looked at Hermione, she had the same expression as me.

She shrugged and sent me a sympathetic smile, indicating she didn't know what was wrong either.

'It's good to see you kay' Ron said cheerfully, wrapping his arms around me.

I hugged him back, 'its good to see you too'

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