Chapter 59: Energy

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I woke up the next morning, the familiar beams of sun bursting through the gaps in the blinds and warming my bare skin.

The feeling of a hand clasped around mine told me i wasn't alone, and my suspicions were confirmed as i looked up to see Fred, sleeping peacefully, his bare chest rising as he slept.

I slowly got up, making sure i didn't wake him and returning the duvet to its previous position.

I don't really know why, but today i felt very positive.

I wasn't usually this high-spirited in the mornings.

I had energy.

And a lot of it.

I took the hoodie i was wearing of and placed it on the back of the chair, leaving the bedroom and shutting the door so i didn't wake him.

The streets seemed quiet, there wasn't the distant sound of wizards and witches rushing round the town, and instead just the humming of the birds and the breeze hitting the curtains.

I walked to the counter, clearing away the pizza boxes from last night with a simple spell.

The twins didn't seem to be up yet, so i wondered whether they were having a day of or something.

Although i wasn't sure why, with the shop planning to be opening at the end of summer, i would've thought they be swamped.

I pulled my wand out of the side of my shorts, muttering a spell as sparks flew out of the tip, forming a digital clock in the air.

I was beyond shocked when it read


A time that i usually never functioned at.

I was wide awake now so i didn't want to go back to bed, i went to reach the book that was sitting over by the window, but before i could, i heard a door opening.

A girl walked out, i had never seen her before, but she had short black curly hair and was around my height.

We both looked at each other for a moment, both slightly shocked and lost for words.

'Hi, I'm Kaylee' i say, waving and walking over to where she stood.

'Nice to meet you, I'm allie' she replies, her face softening.

She was wearing a pink tank top and some jeans, holding her shoes in her hands alongside with some hoops.

'So I'm guessing your with George?' i say, leaning on the counter casually whilst she walks further into the room.

'Hm well, we just met last night so' she said, her cheeks flushing slightly.

'Ohhh...' i nod, a smile tugging on my lips.

'He said he lives with his twin and his girlfriend. .. I'm guessing..'

'Freds girlfriend' i say 'your up early'

'Yeah, i don't sleep to well in other peoples apartments' she replied, putting on her earrings.

'I don't think I've ever been awake at this time' i laugh, causing her to as well.

'Not a morning person huh?' she smiles as i shake my head.

'You hungry?' i ask

'Not really, i could do with some coffee though'

'Great minds think alike'

'Is that jane Austen?' she asks, her gaze landing on my very used copy of the book.

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