Chapter 19: Your my what?

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A/N hey guys, this is a longer chapter , this is where the drama kicks off....hope you enjoy , take care of yourself and remember your mental health always comes first cx

love you xx

I walked into the pub, confused and curious to who was inside. Blair sounded rather scared when she called me in which made me very wary of what I was walking into.

'Blair what is it?' I ask 

'Um theses people are asking for you' she said nervously as she pointed towards a couple of people.

I only recognised one of them as my old defence against the dark arts professor, Remus lupin.

The other one was a kind of young girl, probably around 20 with bubble-gum big hair smiled at me once she noticed me come in.

'Ahh Kaylee' lovely to see you again he exclaimed.

'Nice to see you to professor, although why are you here?' I ask very confused at what's happening.

'I'm Nymphodora Toni's, but please just call me Tonks' she says kindly and pulled me into a hug taking me by surprise.

'Well, I sure your wondering what were doing here, all will be explained soon' he says whilst glancing outside worriedly.

'Right we should get going' he said quickly 'You ready?'

'Ready for what?' I say getting rather annoyed no ones telling me what's gong on.

But before I could argue any longer, I felt a hand wrap on my shoulder and a loud popping noise. I soon realised that I was dissaperating, I was not in any way prepared for this as I felt my stomach feel like it was turning inside out and my vision going blurry.

The spinning and turning soon came to a stop as I heard another popping noise. I opened my eyes but I was still too dizzy to make out anything. I heard a mumble of voices and a door open and before I could say or do anything I was embraced with a motherly hug that I recognised as Mrs Weasley's.

'Kaylee dear, I missed you terribly' she exclaimed with a smile on her face .

My vision had started to return, and although I would've guessed we were at the burrow, I soon realised that I was stood  in a long dark, dusty hallway.

'Mrs Weasley what the hell is going o-' but before I could finish my sentence, I was interrupted.

'Kaylee!' a voice yelled from the top of the staircase, it was Hermione, I was only getting more and more confused and angry at the situation but before I could say anything I was getting pushed along the hall.

My eyes met a pair of redheads.


Fred was here.

I was still extremely angry with him, who on earth asks someone to be their girlfriend and then goes of the grid for a month.

I was still being pushed into the kitchen, to where i saw many other people sat round long table, i didn't have time to look at each one individually so i had no clue if i recognised anyone. There was a lot of commotion and people rushing around and doors slamming and Mrs Weasley yelling.

I had enough.

'WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON' i yell taking everybody by surprise, but i didn't care i had had enough of not being told anything and being basically kidnapped by an old teacher and strange witch.

Everyone was silent until Molly spoke up.

'Sweetheart i know its a lot and you probably didn't expect any of this, but its going to make sense soon' she says kindly

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