Chapter 40: Grief

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The time after someone you loved has died, are filled with those moments when life feels surreal.

Sometimes the thought slips through your mind, enabling you to throw on a smile, but as soon as the memory of the ones who are no longer with us enter our heads, sadness overcomes us once again and there's no escaping that dread until the memory slips once more.

The cycle continues again and again, never going away just feeling smaller eventually with time.

Cedric's death had affected many, he was always sporting a grin, socialising with everyone, his bubbly personality was contagious and when you were around him you couldn't help me but feel the radiations of it.

I felt lost.

I had never coped with death that well; I hadn't experienced much of it in my life as I had been distant from my family from an early age.

The events after that night took everyone by surprise, professor Moody had happened to be a known death eater that was thought to be dead under the influence of poly juice potion.

I had woken up the morning after in Fred's bed, I was faced away from him but knew that he was awake.

I was on the other side of the bed, his hand was slowly caressing my shoulder, rays of sun beamed into the room, radiating warmth onto my bare skin.

'Darling' he whispered softly in his raspy morning voice 'We need to go and say goodbye to Rylee'

My stomach dropped as the words left his mouth, my breath hitched as everything came back to me.

I sat up quickly and wiped my puffy, red eyes.

'Where is she?' I ask in a shaky voice

'By the carriages we don't have long' he replies.

I stand up from the bed, and pull on a pair of black leggings, I was wearing Fred's red sweater already so I slipped on my shoes and opened the door.

Fred was already dressed, he had been up for a while, the rest of the school was outside and saying goodbye to the other students.

He followed behind me closely as I quickly walked to the courtyard.

I spotted the group of blue silk dresses standing with leather cases and small hats, my eyes searched for the black-haired girl, it was proving to be more difficult than I thought as she was around the same height as me.

My attention was caught by a familiar looking head of red hair, as I approached, she was revealed from behind George.

'Rylee!' I cried

'Kaylee!' she replied as I engulfed her in a tight and desperate hug.

The tears were freely falling down my face as I held on to her for the last time.

I could hear her cries in my shoulder as she held on to me firmly.

'Please don't leave... I can't... I need you' I say in-between sobs, other students and professors around us had made space and were looking at us sympathetically, practically the whole school and teachers knew the we had come extremely close in the past year and had been inseparable from the first day.

'I don't want to, but it's not up to me, Kaylee it's going to be okay' she wails back

'I love you' I say quietly

'I love you too' 

'Come along now miss reinfield' Madame Maxine says she attempts to guide Riley away.

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