Chapter 6: quidditch pt1

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The next few days were amazing.

For the first time in months, the majority of Kaylee's thoughts were positive and she constantly had a smile on her face. Although she had distanced herself from sienna, Katie and well, Angelina (for obvious reasons) she had been enjoying the company of her new friendship group immensely. Especially a certain red head.

Fred and Kaylee had started to become inseparable, they were always off somewhere together, wether it was reading in a closed off corner in the halls of Hogwarts, or taking walks by the black lake. Although it was pretty obvious to everyone around them that their relationship had yet to come to its full potential.

It had been decided, that for todays activities they were going to head to Hogsmeade for some emergency Christmas shopping as the fact that Christmas was only four days away and only Hermione had brought gifts for everyone

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It had been decided, that for todays activities they were going to head to Hogsmeade for some emergency Christmas shopping as the fact that Christmas was only four days away and only Hermione had brought gifts for everyone.

Kaylee picked out a very oversized grey hoodie and paired it with some jeans. she did simple makeup but tried to look abit more presentable than normal.

Once everyone was ready, they decided to walk to the village. After chatting to Hermione and harry about their plans over Christmas and that they had been invited to the burrow, her mood had dropped slightly. She would be spending the holidays alone, her family's backstory was complicated, she didn't know who her father was and her mother had left her to start a new 'perfect' family away from the wizarding world.

Her step-father never liked Kaylee, he had a young daughter who was a spoilt little brat and her and her mother moved into their home when Kaylee was only seven, the abuse started soon after that.

After awhile of walking alone with her thoughts she felt a rather hard ball hit her back.

'Oh its on' she exclaimed after realising she had been attacked with a snowball by Freddie.

They messed around in the cold for what felt like hours until fred noticed the girls lips go a light shade of blue.

'Lets get you inside love' Fred said as he lifted her up from the ground, Kaylee took the opportunity to take the freshly made snowball in her hands and smear it all over his face.

The rest of their group had left to go to the three broomsticks a while ago so they were alone.


Fred carried her bridal style into the pub and placed her onto a stool as he ordered 2 hot chocolate's to defrost and warm them both up. Once they found the table where the rest of their friends were sitting at, Kaylee saw that a few new faces that had joined them, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood and Oliver wood were busy chatting away. She had not been acquainted with Luna or Neville but she had briefly spent time with Oliver in the past.

Luna was showing Hermione and Kaylee her new rings that her friend from Bauxbatons had sent her when the conversation that the boys were having seemed to get a little heated.

'Your joking' said George as he tilted his head back and sighed.

'Nope, her parents don't want her on the team anymore because of her grades'

Fred turned to face the table.

'Fuck me' he muttered under his breath.

'Maybe when were alone' Kaylee replied to try and lighten the mood.

However instead of that she just got disapproving looks from everyone around her, some of them obviously thinking she was serious.

Which maybe she was

'Merlin i was joking' Kaylee said in defence, still finding her comment quite hilarious.

'Well, were in a major crisis right now so id prefer if you'd keep your sexual activities to yourself!' said a worked up Wood.

It only took one small glace to completely set Fred and Kaylee off in uncontrollable laughter.

'Children. Their literal children' he said in exasperation.

'Look, we can just fine someone else' Fred said after recovering from his laughter, casually placing his arm over Kaylees shoulders as she carried on drinking her hot chocolate.

'Who? any suggestions Weasley' Ollie replied clearing getting more and more worked up

'Whats happened?' Kaylee asked as she sipped her hot drink.

'Alicia has been pulled out of the team, so now were a chaser short and have a game against Hufflepuff tomorrow' he replied 'I cant handle Cedric's smug face again'

She wasn't really sure what came over her but it was too late now.

'Ill do it' she said far to quickly.

The twins, Wood, Harry, Ron, Ginny and Hermione all turned to face her.

'You play?' George asked

'Sometimes yeah' i replied casually

'Well...are you any good?' asked Fred

'I guess we'll find out tomorrow wont we' the girl replied with a grin.

A few hours had passed and Kaylee and Fred were walking out of zonkos.

'Its mine and Georgie's dream to own a shop like that in a few years' Fred said with a grin as he glanced up towards it.

'I think you'd be bloody amazing at that'

'Really?' he replied as his face lit up.

'Oh i have no doubts'

On the walk back to the castle, the two were chatting about the Weasley family, 'So what are you doing for Christmas?' he asked curiously.

'Same as always, staying at the school' she told him, unable to get excited about another Christmas spent alone in her dorm.

'What?' he replied at a loss for words 'what about your parents?' He asked hesitantly, remembering the other night.

Kaylee laughed awkwardly 'Their not in the picture anymore, but its okay i dont mind the quiet'

'Absolutely not' He stated firmly, stopping in his tracks to face her.

'Spend christmas with me, come stay with my family'

'Freddie, i don't want to impose' kaylee started.

'Oh come on, if my mother knew you were sat alone in the castle and i left you here she'd kick me out, your coming' He told her.

Kaylee bit her lip, fighting a smile and the idea of having a family Christmas but eventually gave in.

'Only if your sure' She laughed.

He looked down at her and smiled, his deep brown eyes doing some kind of magic to her body.


There's that feeling again.

Kaylee had finished wrapping her gifts for everyone and beginning to pack a small bag for her trip to the burrow, she couldn't help but feel a warm tingling feeling when she thought of spending a Christmas with a proper family. Although they weren't leaving for another two nights, she was too excited to wait, she layed out a few comfy and warm outfits, her toiletries and some pyjamas.

Her packing was rudely interrupted by a loud pecking noise on the window, it was an owl she did not recognise and was very curios to open the strange letter, there was hardly anything written but in small messy handwriting...

quidditch pitch 6am don't be late


Well, guess she was on the team now.

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