Chapter 5: Evenings around the fire

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Kaylees hangover had gone completely by now and she was feeling much better.

She was now sat on the couch in the common room listening to her friends catch up with stories from their summer. She was deep in thoughts, and by this i mean deep in thoughts about Fred.

She couldn't help it, it was probably wrong, she had only just come out of a very serious 2 year relationship.

But that didn't stop Cedric.

Fuck, Cedric. She felt a pang of pain as she thought of the boy, yes he was a dick , but not when they were together. He was kind, caring, romantic and the first boy she ever loved.

She had been brought back to the discussion by a hand waving in front of her eyes, it was the youngest red headed boy.

'Oh your back' he remarked with a grin as Kaylee returned to the present.

'Very funny' she replied as she shook her head.

'Anyways' another voice spoke 'We're playing truth or dare, you in?' said Angelina, Kaylee never saw eye-to-eye with Angie but they both decided to just be civil when they were around each other to avoid an excess of drama.

'Sure' she replied as she sat up slightly.

'Firewhiskey?' she glanced next to her to see Fred offering a bottle as he sat down close to her, kicking his feet up to rest on the table.

'I really should start saying no' she smirked as she accepted the drink.

Fred laughed and looked at the girl, he had been staring for a few moments when she turned to face him.

'Something on my face Weasley?' said Kaylee with a grin.

'Yeah right there' he said as he took his hand and placed it on her face in a joking way.

'Oi get off!' she laughed as she tried to remove his large hand from her face.

She heard a scoff come from opposite the room and she looked to see Angelina glaring at her with pure hatred. what's her problem? she thought to herself as she turned to face the rest of the group.

'Okay, Ron truth or dare?' said Ginny, the youngest red head of the bunch.

'Truth' he replied as he took a swig of veritaserum, a truth serum that made everyone under the influence of it tell nothing but the truth.

'Who do you like in this room?'

He straight away said Hermione causing them both to turn a bright shade of red as the rest of the girls giggled.

'Gowan Ronny' said George as he ruffled his younger brothers hair.

'Truth or dare George'


'I dare you to sneak into the ravenclaw common rooms and get us more firewhiskey'

'Done' and with that he ran out of the room and returned around ten minutes later carrying at least 8 more bottles.

As the game progressed, the dares got more intense and the truths more intriguing. Ginny and Harryhad made out, Angelina told everyone about her secret crush on professor lupin and Fred had to down an entire bottle.

Kaylee was having a very good time.

'Fred , truth or dare'

'Dare' he replied to his twin.

'Kiss the hottest girl in the room' George smirked, clearly having a motive behind his question.

Angelina sat up and looked at Fred with a somewhat creepy grin.

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