Chapter 13: Like No Ones Watching

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'Kaylee Hun'


'What's going on?' i ask whilst looking around the room i was in.

'You fell asleep' said Katie

'And you woke me up for what?' i reply whilst glaring at the girl.

'The party starts in half an hour and your still in your quidditch uniform' she says


'C'mon lets get you ready' she says as pulls me off the sofa.

'I don't know what to wear' i say whilst practically emptying my whole wardrobe onto the floor.

'You'll look good in literally anything' Katie says whilst curling my hair

'ooo i know' i say jumping up and grabbing a dark green coloured skirt

'This with my black lace bodysuit?' i ask the girl

'One hundred percent' she reply's

I start stripping so that i could quickly get changed as we were already late enough. I didn't mind changing in front of the girls anymore as we had been living together for the last 5 years and had become very comfortable with each other, to the point that we'd have showers when others are using the bathroom and even sharing bras sometimes.

'Okay how do i look' i ask as i spin around for her

'Holy cricket kay' she says with a blank expression on her face making it incredibly hard to read

' i look stupid?' i ask whilst turning to the mirror

'No not at all, you just look really hot' she reply's in awe

'I love you' i reply whilst smiling at her

'C'mon lets go'

The second we open the doors from our dorm, we were completely consumed by the party, there wasn't only Gryffindor's here, it seemed that many Hufflepuff's and ravenclaws had decided to come and even a few Slytherins to my surprise.

'There they are' exclaimed a very drunk lee

'Yes we're here lee' i reply whilst laughing at the boys drunk state

'You go easy on the drink okay?' Katie says whilst patting him on the back

I grab Katie's hand and head over to the other side of the common room to get a drink. I wasn't planning to get too drunk tonight, as my last hangover had scarred me for life.

'Where's Angelina' Katie asks whilst scanning the room

'Ugh no not that bitch' i say back

'She's just jealous of you and Fred, she means no harm' she reply whilst taking me over to the group of girls on the dance floor.

'Hey ange' she says

'oh hey- what's she doing here' she snarls whilst looking at me rudely

'I don't want to deal with today, this is me being the bigger person. We did well in quidditch, we're in the same house, we're friends with all the same people, so how about we stop all this petty little fighting and be friends?' i say quite surprised at how grown up i was being.

She paused for a second whilst taking in everything i said , 'Your right' she replies with a small smile and suddenly brings me into a hug.

'I'm sorry about the things i said about your parents' she whispers in my ear

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