Chapter 30: The First Task

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The next few weeks went by, and everything was back to normal.

Well by back to normal, nothing crazy had happened.

My relationship with Fred has been amazing, we spent the nights in the Gryffindor common room, just talking about life. He told me about the shop, his face lit up whenever he spoke about it and it warmed my heart that he was so passionate about something.

We talked about families and how many kids we wanted, i was rather shocked when he told me he wanted eight, apparently he needed to have more than his mother for some bizarre reason.

I told him i wanted a big family, and a nice warm home. We spoke about living in Diagon alley together after we left school, i couldn't help but smile as we planned a future.

I hoped deep down that i was the other character in his dreams, and that he would be mine.

Rylee and i had grown even closer, which i didn't think was humanly possible, we spent lessons, lunch, breakfast every single minute i wasn't with Fred together.

George had developed major feelings for Rylee and the girl was head over heels for him, she had tried not to be, but she couldn't deny it any longer.

She knew that leaving Hogwarts would hurt like hell, we had both decided that we wouldn't talk about the subject and just spend the time together.

The school champions had been chosen, Fleur Delacour from Bauxbatons , Victor Krum from Durmstrang which wasn't a surprise to anyone , and from Hogwarts, cedric Diggory and Harry.

I knew that he didn't put his name in, but everyone else thought we was a lying cheat.

Harry had never been he type for being the centre of attention, he had a hard enough time at trying to stay alive and would definitely not  intentionally sign himself up for a competition.

He hadn't been dealing with the stress of everything very well recently and it was hurting me to see him like this.

I was beyond angry when i heard that Ron had not been speaking to him and i had made quite scene in the great hall.

I yelled at him in front of everyone at lunch and to be honest he looked as if he was about to cry, i didn't mean to but his best friend needed him right now more than ever and he was being a pretty lousy person.

Once i had finished screaming at him, i stormed out with Rylee running after me, i heard someone mutter 'That worse than getting a howler'.

I had also been becoming friend's with cedric again, we had got coffee and chatted in the courtyard for abit, he was good person really and i could tell that he had changed a lot since we were together, i had also been helping him get the attention of a Ravenclaw girl in Harrys year.

Although Fred didn't approve of me still seeing cedric, i reminded him that he couldn't tell me who i can and cant see and what i did and didn't do.

I could tell that it bothered him, mainly because every time he smiled at me or we ran in to each other in the hallways, Freds jaw would tense and he would either hold my hand or pull me closer towards him.

I had made it crystal clear that nothing would ever happen again between me and cedric, but he did know me very well and used to be a big part of my life and i wasn't going to loose a friend. He was adamant in agreeing but finally gave in and accepted the fact that there was nothing he could do to stop me.

Its the morning of the first task and i was a mess.

Harry had found out what the task was and it didn't calm either of our nerves.

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