Chapter 12: Snakes Bite Back

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Kaylee POV

I was shattered.

I had been living off like 4 hours sleep a night for the past two weeks. A mix of staying until 2am studying, and quidditch practice every morning at 6 was  not a good combination whatsoever.

Todays match was against Slytherin, and ill admit I'm abit nervous, we need to win this and the match against raven claw to win the cup, and although we had a strong team, Slytherins played dirty.

'You need to eat something wood' i say to the captain who's currently pacing up and down the great hall.

'Nope. No I'm not Hungry' he replies sternly

'I give up' i say whilst taking a large sip of coffee

We had around 2 hours until the match began and me and the other chasers were using this time to go over are formations and techniques to use against the opposing team.

'I think we'll be okay as long as the twins keep the bludgers away' Katie says

'They will' Angelina replies

'So after the game are we having party?' i ask

'Well only if we win' said Katie

'God i hope we do, it feels like we haven't had one in forever' i say back

'GIRLS' a voice yelled

'What wood?' Angelina yells back

'changing rooms now we need to get ready' he says

'We've got ages Ollie' i say

'I don't care .... changing rooms...NOW' he says whilst storming off

'Ugh ill see you later Hermione' i say to the younger girl who was sitting next to me.

'Good luck!'

As we get to the changing rooms, we get a surprise encounter, although its not a very pleasant one.

'Ah wood, how nice to bump into you' said flint with his team behind him

'Get out of the way' Wood says whilst walking around them

'If Kaylee comes and gives us a hand we might take it easy on you you know' said Pucey earning laughs from Crabbe and Goyle.

Kaylee was about to say something but she was too slow.

Fred had got there first.

He was holding the boy - who was quite a bit shorter than him - up by the collar,

'You have a lot of nerve speaking to her you know' he spat

'What the fuck makes you think she owes you or you deserve anything from her' he carried on

'FRED' i yell trying to get him to stop

'Awh has your likkle boyfriend come to save you' pucey says through gritted teeth whilst struggling for breath.

'One he's not my boyfriend-'

'Two i am perfectly capable looking after myself-'

'And 3 i wouldn't be calling him 'likkle' if i were you-' i shout whilst pointing at the muscular 6"3 man beside me.

'Whatever' he replies 'lets just hope that next time he'll be there'

'There wont fucking be a next time Pucey' Fred shouted whilst pulling his fist back ready to punch.

'FRED' i yelled whilst trying to latch on the his arm whilst the rest of the boys hold him back.

'C'mon guys, lets not waste our time on this filthy boodtraitor' Draco says whilst walking away with the rest of the team.

Once they were out of sight, i take Harrys arm and storm towards the changing rooms.

'I cant believe him' i say

'He was just looking out for you' harry tries to assure me

'Why does everyone think i need looking out for, im fine!' i yell whilst pacing up and down the room

'You cant blame him, the things Adrians saying are not right, and you mean a lot to Fred he just doesn't want anything to happen to you' Harry says calmly

'Ugh your supposed to be on my side you know' i say back

I had become very close to the boy, we were kind of in the same position family wise as neither of our parents or guardians wanted anything to do with us, it was something we had in common.

'I'm sorry, but you know im right' he reply with a small grin

'Come here you' he says and pulls me into a brotherly hug.

'Right don't try to die this time okay' i say

'why does everyone think that its intentional!' he say back

'Oh come on chosen one stop stropping' i say as i joke about with harry.

'3....2....1 ...brooms up!' Madame Hooch shouts as the two team kick off into the air,

'And the game begins! Johnson takes the quaffle and passes is to Bell, oh she drops it... no worries Evans catches it an headed to shoot...AND SHE SCORES!' said Lee from the stands

'Another goal from Evans, its now 20-0 to Gryffindor, however still early on'

As i was flying to get to Katie, i feel two strong figures squeeze either side of me, i lean forward trying to pick up speed to get away from Pucey and Flint.

'Why so fast sweetheart' says pucey with a nauseating grin.

'My offer still stands you know'

'Oh fuck off' i shout as i finally get out of the snake sandwich i had been in.

The two boys laugh and fly away, i decided to channel all my anger into the game and not give them the satisfaction they desire.

The game had been going on for hours now and the girl was starting to loose focus, she was severely sleep deprived and her caffeine buzz had almost completely worn off.

I drop down to catch the quaffle and race forwards to the posts.

'EVANS SCORES AGAIN, damn this girls on fire this morning'

'Oh and it looks like potters got his eye on the snitch...HES GOING FOR IT! OH NO POTTER DUCK'


The cheer from the crowd was ear shattering as the team dismounted their brooms and ran to the centre of the pitch to celebrate.

Kaylee was so tired, but she couldn't focus on that now , she was too happy.

'Harry you did it!' i shout as i throw myself into his arms.

'Are you kidding did you see you, you scored basically every goal!' he exclaimed painting an even wider grin on his face.

I smile back as i turn to the rest of the team, however i look to see Fred walking away alone.

'George what's up with him?' i ask as approaching the boy

'That's something you should ask him' he replied

I look up at him as he stares at me.

'Anyways party tonight?' he says

'Obviously' i say whilst grinning and turning to face the others.

But i couldn't stop wondering why Fred had just left.

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