Chapter 10: Hogwarts again

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The Christmas break was more than she could have ever hoped for, it felt like for the time in her life she had a family. Mrs Weasley had taken quite a liking to the girl and had invited her to stay for the summer. Kaylee didn't know what her plans were yet as she needed to get a summer job so that she can support herself financially for when she leaves school.

Kaylee was a half blood, her mother is a muggle and despises the whole idea of the wizarding world, she wanted nothing to do with her daughter, they had an agreement that she would supply her school supplies and a small allowance until she turned eighteen, as long as she didn't make any kind of contact with her and then she was on her own. Kaylee never did see eye-to-eye with her mother so wasn't especially sad when she realised she wouldn't have a mother past the age of eighteen. Her dad was a wizard, however she had no idea who, her surname  Evans, came from her mums side, as desperate as she was to discover who her father was, she had given up a long time ago. She had a half sister that had just turned five, although she wasn't allowed to ever meet her sister, and the little girl would grow up not knowing Kaylee, she felt happy that she had a sibling.

The three fith years were on the train back to Hogwarts, she had been reading most of the journey and had zoned out on whatever the twins were talking about.




'Bloody hell guys' i said in shock

'oh look whose returned to the conversation' said George

'What were you guys on about' I asked putting my book in my bag and resting my feet on the seat next to me.

'Just about what were doing when we leave school' Fred replied

'So what are your plans kay?' George asked

'Well... I'm hopefully gonna get a job that pays alright and then save for a flat somewhere in London'

'that sounds abit dull' George added

'You could do all sorts, go travelling, work abroad or take a year to yourself' Fred said

'Would be nice, but how do you propose i get the money for all that' i say as i shake my head.

'Well did your parents give you any' George asked

'The only thing that my parents like to give me is space' I laughed.

Fred glanced at his brother with a kind of 'just leave it look' but he didn't quite get the hint.

'What do your parents do anyway?' he asked

' mother has a very busy job of pretending i don't exist and i have no idea where or who my dad is' i say with a chuckle.

'Oh-' George says

There was an earthshattering silence.

'I'm sorry i didn't mean to-' George tries to say

'Its fine, it doesn't bother me, I've adjusted to being independent and like it' i say with a smile causing George to relax a-bit.

'Well you should definitely come work with us' Fred says

'At your joke shop?' i ask as they both nod.

'Hmm you two being my bosses.... over my dead body' i laugh

'Oh come on it would be fun, we've already found the property and it has a flat upstairs with two bedrooms, it would fit us all perfectly when you and Fred stop being wet wipes and get together' George smirked

Fred glared at him and i threw a book at his head.

'Watch it Evans' he says as he held his head in agony

'Whose the wet wipe now' i say as me and Fred high five.

Hi guys, this was just a short filler chapter as i accidently deleted the original chapter 9 and had pulled an all nighter to get them done, anyways i just wanted to let you know that the Triwizard tournament will happen next year but im going to combine it with Umbridge, as i want to write their times after Hogwarts and working at the joke shop etc :)))

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