Chapter 39: Cant Be Real

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The whole school was buzzing for today, all lessons had been cancelled and everyone was getting ready for the third and final task.

There was only two days left of the school year, which meant that soon id be home with Sirius for the whole summer, I was more than exited to spend all that time with him and get to know him even more.

I had spent the whole of yesterday afternoon in the room of requirements with Harry, Ron and Hermione, teaching him all different kinds of spells that would help him in the maze, he wasn't told much, just that there would be many different magical creatures and curses that they would have to defeat and block.

He wasn't feeling very confident, but I knew that he would be okay, usually he spends the time leading up to it doubting himself but he always manages to pull through and succeed in most challenges.

I was now heading down to breakfast with the twins and Rylee, I had told harry that I would meet him down there as the champions families were allowed to come and watch them compete in the final task, and Harry's aunt wouldn't be seen dead in Hogw...

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I was now heading down to breakfast with the twins and Rylee, I had told harry that I would meet him down there as the champions families were allowed to come and watch them compete in the final task, and Harry's aunt wouldn't be seen dead in Hogwarts, so I was his only family left that could attend.

We opened the doors to the hall and were surprised by the mood of the it, houses were mixing, and for one of the first times Ive ever seen at Hogwarts, it felt like the school was no longer separated.

The other schools were all in conversations with students, and not one person looked as if they were not enjoying themselves.

Tthere are my boys!' a familiar warm voice exclaimed, grabbing our attention, I looked towards the Gryffindor table and saw Mr and Mrs Weasley with another tall red head who I guessed was either bill or Charlie from what I had been told by Fred.

We rushed over to greet them, after seeing her children molly embraced me into a wide hug, although I had seen her just a couple of weeks ago, I had missed her motherly attention.

'Mrs Weasley! I didn't know you'd be here' I exclaim with a smile as she kisses my forehead

'Oh well dear, we thought we would come and support harry' she replied happily

'Oh, and this is my other son, bill, I don't think you two have met' she added as I looked up at her side at the boy.

He looked similar to the twins, they were around the same height and had the same muscular builds, however his face had a rather large scar going through his cheek.

'Hi, I'm Kaylee, it's nice to meet you' I say politely and reach my hand out for him to shake.

'Ive heard a lot about you' he says back and sends a wink towards Fred, whilst taking my hand.

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