Chapter 49: Hogshead

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Freds hand stroked my head as i lay under the duvet naked, sucking his cock.

We were having a lazy Saturday morning and had been cuddled up in bed for the last hour.

'Such a good girl' He praised as i took in as much of him as i could, stroking his base with two hands. He gathered up my hair in his hold as he pressed gently on my head, bobbing it up and down as the pace he wanted. I moaned into him, licking a long strip up him as i smirked.

Fred rested his head on the back of the bed, groaning as i went faster, sucking his tip tighter. The area between my thighs was growing even wetter, desperate for some attention.

I took my mouth away, wiping away some pre-cum from my lips before sitting up and straddling him. His hands gripped the sides of my hips as he chuckled, his eyes gazing over my naked body as i put his tip at my entrance.

'Was someone feeling frustrated?' He teased, distracting me for a second as my cheeks blushed a light pink.

'Maybe' I smiled, feeling his bare chest with my hands.

'Well i cant have that' He spoke before slamming my hips down onto his cock, a load moan escaping my lips.

Once i had adjusted i began to ride him, his hands guiding my hips as we kissed, both chasing the feeling of immaculate pleasure.

I moaned into his lips as he started to rub my clit with his spare hand.

'Thats it baby' He groaned as i rolled my hips onto him, feeling such a tight knot in my stomach it was unbearable.

'Freddie' I moaned as he smacked my arse, his hands roaming my body freely.

Knock Knock

I came to a stop as we looked to the door, but Fred kept pushing my hips down in a rhythm, making me chuckle.

'Who is it?' Fred yelled, continuing to fuck me.

'George, we gotta go!' His twin yelled back from the other side of the door.

Fred rolled his eyes as i frowned, wanting to stay under the covered with Fred inside of me for the rest of the day.

I pulled myself off him, throwing my body into the sheets in anger as Fred rubbed my back.

'I'll be out in a second' Fred yelled, standing up to change.

'Come on darling' He sighed as he hovered over me.

'I want you' I teased, holding his neck as he smiled.

'And you'll have me, as soon as we get back from meeting Harry' He soothed, stroking my hair behind my ear.

I frowned, grudgingly standing up to get some clothes. As i walked away from him i felt a hard smack on my arse, not helping my current situation whatsoever.

'Why are we here again?' George asked as we navigated our way through the snowy footpaths, leading away from the village of Hogsmeade.

'Because we're supporting harry' i reply firmly

'But why are we meeting in this old pub, no one ever comes here' he asks, staring up at the run down building on the top of the hill.

'That's literally the whole point'

He replies with a grunt as we all carry on up to the door to the pub.

The air wasn't much warmer inside, the barman stood watching us in shock, probably from the lack of business he'd had until now. There was quite a few of us in the doorway , the twins, me, Ginny, some kids from Harry's year and quite a few from Ginny's, they started to move into the pub, wondering where harry Ron and Hermione were as they had told us that they would be here from one.

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