Chapter 44: Rescue Mission

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'Come on kids, downstairs!' Mrs Weasleys voice rang throughout the house.

It was the earliest i had been up in a while, and i wasn't used to the stricter routines the Weasley family followed.

Part of me was glad, as it gave me something else to think about and made me feel a lot more productive.

It was the first morning of the Weasley's being here, Me and Ginny had spent last night talking about going back to school and stuff we needed to get from Diagon Alley before the start of the year.

Even though there was a three-year age gap between me and ginny, i had never seen her as a little sister and more like a best friend, she had always been hanging around with older people so she seemed to be a lot more mature than others her age.

'It's too early' i grunt and sink my head deeper into my pillow.

'Yeah, I'm not dealing with morning Kay' ginny said whilst rubbing her eyes and hastily leaving the room.

I start to drift back to sleep, until i was disturbed by the door opening yet again.

'Nope' i say plainly

'You don't even know who its is' the voice replied in an amused tone.

'Still nope Freddie' i say sternly as i squeeze my eyes shut.

Two strong arms grabbed me and started to pull me away from the bed, i whined and quickly bit down on his hand, causing him to let go slightly from the shock.

'Oi watch it little one' he growled back and continued to pick me up of the warm mattress.

I wriggled in his grip until he placed his lips on mine, causing me to stop struggling and give in to him.

'Now up' he grunted 

'Git' i muttered under my breath whilst walking over to my closet to put some shorts on.

I pull them up over my legs and let my hair fall out of the messy bun that it was previously in.

I turned back around to face a smirking Fred who was propped up by his elbows on my white silk sheets.

'Come on then you prick' i say with a stern tone as i stare at the boy who woke me up with narrowed eyes.

'Cute' he winked before picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.

I yelled and shouted at him to put me down, but he was far too strong for me to even try and get out of his grip, besides, we were going downstairs and i didn't want to fall.

'Ah there you two are!' Arthur exclaimed as we came into the kitchen.

All heads turned to us as they noticed my head was dangling upside down over freds shoulder.

'Fred Weasley put the poor girl down!' Molly shouted whilst whacking him with a tea towel.

He placed me back on the ground with a triumphant smile as i glared at him.

'That's what you get for biting me' 

'You bit him!' Sirius said in shock

'And I'd do it again' i shoot back

'She bit you!' Sirius said again with a wide smile as he clapped his hands together.

Remus nudged him before throwing his arm over his shoulder and both looking at me with a smile.

'Is there something on my face?' i ask them 

'Nope' they reply simultaneously

'God i need coffee' i sigh and walking over to ron who was desperately trying to figure out how to use the machine.

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