Chapter 15: Tease

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This is just a smallish filler chapter :))

SMUT warning (low  level spice)

Enjoy xx

The next morning, i awoke to a loud banging on he door, I looked around to see where i was as the room i was in looked abit unfamiliar, it was Freds dorm

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The next morning, i awoke to a loud banging on he door, I looked around to see where i was as the room i was in looked abit unfamiliar, it was Freds dorm. His arms were holding my waist tightly and he grunted and squeezed me tighter as i sat up and attempted to get out of his grasp.

'Freddie someone's outside' i say calmly, still trying to loosen his grip.

'Tell them to go away' he moaned with a raspy morning voice that instantly sent butterflies into my stomach.

'I would if you'd let me go' i say back with a small laugh.

He makes another loud grunt before finally letting go and rolling onto his stomach. I stand up and head towards the door, where the banging was coming from.

'Kaylee i know your in there, come out this instant' a voice shouted from the other side of the door that she recognised as Hermione's.

I open the door slowly, still half asleep, rubbing by eyes and yawning. The girl sighs and walks straight into the boys room, heading over to the bed that Fred was still lying half naked in.

'The letter came' she said excitedly.

'Letter? What lett-, oh my god!' i exclaim once i realised what she was talking about. I quickly grab the parchment from her hand and begin to rip it open.

Fred moans into the pillow and sits up with a very 'not impressed' look on his face as he sends a glare towards Hermione.

'What are you doing here?' he says plainly with his eyes narrowed onto the curly haired girl who simply stared back with a similar expression.

'Kaylee's got the letter' she replied

'Letter? who from? ohhh that letter' he said once it had registered in his brain.

Hermione rolled her eyes at the older boy and brought her attention back to Kaylee who was examining the parchment with an unreadable expression.

'Well...?' she said impatiently

I didnt respond.

Once i had finally finished reading the letters details i looked up at her as my face changed into a wide grin.

'I GOT IT!' i exclaim. as Hermione smiles with me.

'I knew you would kay!' she says as she brings me into a hug.

'Congratulations love, you'll make a great waitress' Fred says whilst rubbing my back softly.

'Ew, get a room' the younger girl replies

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