Chapter 33: Fireworks and Questions

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'I don't wanna' i whine

'I agree with kay on that one' dad adds

'Look, its Saturday morning, you have to go back to school'

'Shy?' Sirius asks

'Oh merlin you guys are like toddlers' lupin sighs

'C'mon love, its not that bad' Fred says trying to persuade me to leave

'Just abit longer' i say with a smile as i look up at him


'Your boyfriends mean' Sirius says to me

'so is yours' i say with a wink causing them both to stare at me

'Ugh okay fine, but im coming back Monday' i say finally giving in

'Sounds good' lupin says as dad just frowns, i feel so bad for him having to stay here all the time.

'Oh and i need a dress' i say with a smile

'Ahh we heard, don't worry about that' Sirius said with a wink as lupin smiled

'What are you two up to?' i say as i narrow my eyes

'Oh look at that, time to go, see you kids' lupin says as he dissaperate us to Hogwarts.

As soon as we stop spinning, i heard a loud crack and Remus was gone, i look to see Fred beside be with his handheld out waiting for me to grab, i smile up at him as we walk to the great hall just in time for breakfast.

'KAYLEE' a voice screamed as a dark haired girl bolted to me, i started running towards her as we collided onto the floor, we started laughing whist holding each other close.

'You bitch don't leave me again' she says with a frown

'Never' i say back as we stand up and link arms, i go sit down beside her to catch up with everyone else.

'Hey kay, feeling better?' Hermione asks lovingly to which i nod and thank her quietly.

'Kaylee, i missed you' a sweet voice said, i turn to face Neville whose blushing, i stand up and bring him in for a hug.

'That flower was beautiful, thank you so much, my dad helped me with a spell that will make it last forever' i say excitedly

'I'm glad!' he smiled and hugs back, i give him a quick peck on the cheek which causes him to turn an even pinker shade.

'I'm just going to go and thank cedric, ill be back soon' I say to Fred as i kiss him goodbye, although he still deeply hates the boy, he had started to earn a tad more respect for him since the incident on Wednesday.

I head over to the hufflepuff table, on the other side of the room, and look for him in the crowds.

I spot a familiar looking head and approach them.

'Ced?' i ask and him and his friends turn to face him, i used to be quite close with some of his boy mates so it was nice to see them again.

'Hey Kaylee, I'm glad your back!' he exclaims as he stands up and hugs me, he whispers quietly in my ear so that no one else could hear 'how are you feeling?'

'I'm okay now, i went home for abit' i say as i take a seat next to him

'Home?' he asks slightly confused

'Ohhh sorry, with my dad, Sirius' i say causing some heads to turn

'Oh yeah, how's that going?' he asks, being careful not to react to the fact that he used to be in Azkaban.

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