chapter 4: a feeling

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I know it's wrong. She was completely out of it, but I can't stop replaying the kiss over and over in my head, I've never felt anything like it and I've never met anyone like her. She's just perfect, she's gorgeous, smart, funny and whenever you're with her there is a feeling of excitement.

After I saw her passed out in the hallway I carried her back up to her room, her long hair fell over my shoulder and her head rolled towards my chest, i couldn't help but feel like i had to protect her, when cedric was trying to get her to come with him a sense of anger came through me. I probably shouldn't of punched him but it was clearly deserved, I mean how stupid do you have to be to cheat on a girl like her. If I'm being honest when Cedric and Kaylee first got together I was kind of bummed out, and She didn't hang around us as much, i missed her. However I never knew if I meant as much to her she she did to me.

But I was determined to find out.

'OI FRED' my brother yelled from outside my room.

'What?' i replied, adamant to get out of bed.

'We're going to hogsmeade with Ron and Harry, they want us to show them the new collection of sugar quills' he said as he barged in already dressed.

'-and you never know, maybe Kaylee will be there' he added with a smirk.

'I have no idea what you're talking about' I replied, standing up and putting on a shirt. 

'Oh come off it I saw you and her kissing last night' He retaliated, knowing me far too well.

'She was just making Diggory jealous, it meant nothing'

Or did it.

When me and my twin got to the three broomsticks we sat down with Harry Ron and Hermione, I ordered us five butter beers as the others found a table round the back.

As I sat down with the drinks I felt everyone's eyes turn to mine.

'So george was telling us about your girlfriend' Harry said as he took a sip of his drink.

'As far as im aware i dont have one' i replied to his comment, rolling my eyes.

'Yet' George piped in, winking at the group.

After about 40 minutes at the pub, a certain girl walked in and glanced around the room, she spotted Hermione and began to walk over here. Although she was clearly very hung over she was still the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

She wore an oversized sweatshirt and a large puffer coat, her hair was messily tied up with a few strands hanging down.

'Hey Kaylee' George said with a smile.

'Hey' she replied as she sat down next to the other girl, yawning.

'I'm going to get another round of drinks, Kaylee would you like anything?' i asked her once i realised i'd been staring for quite some time.

'I could really do with a coffee' she replied as she placed her head in her hands, the others laughed as i went to the bar.


My head was on fire, I felt dizzy, nauseous and incredibly tired.

I was planning on staying in my bed the whole day but remembered agreeing to meet Hermione at the pub today and didn't want to cancel.

The party.

I didn't remember much, hardly anything at all to be honest, but I had a feeling something happened with Fred. I just didn't know what.

'So Kaylee, how's Fred?' Hermione said with a cheeky grin as the rest of the table laughed.

Great. So something did happen. But what.

'Before Fred gets back please tell me what happened, I remember nothing' i said urgently.

'Well...' said Harry.

'You kissed him' said George with a very wide grin.

'Oh and then he punched Cedric' Ron added.

'And then you passsed out in the hallway and he carried you back to your dorm' said Hermione as she looked at me.

'Holy shit' i said as i put my head on the table, once again regretting my decision to drink.

I felt something hit the table in front of me causing me to jump, I looked up to see Fred staring at me with a smirk, he winked before sitting down opposite me.

God that mans hot.

And very smooth.

Although I was highly embarrassed about my behaviour last night I didn't stop me from gulping down the large coffee, thank god it's the weekend.

After about an hour at the pub we decided we should probably head back to the school as it was getting dark.

Hermione, Harry and Ron walked ahead and left me, Fred and George slightly behind, as we turned a corner I saw Cedric.

Cedric and cho making out in a small alley.

Although I'm over the break up, it does still hurt. I stopped walking as I was slightly taken aback by what we had just interrupted, i felt someone grab my shoulder and started rubbing my back gently, This brought me out of my stance, i looked up towards the tall figure as his hand guided me forwards, away from what was happening.

I sighed, trying to manage a smile but just feeling overwhelmed.

'He's not worth your tears, the Kaylee i used to know wouldnt let anything like that bother her' He told me.

I raised my eyebrows in amusement, shivering slightly from the cold.

He pulled his beanie over my head, swinging his arm around my shoulders as we carried on walking. I felt guilty taking his hat but he didn't seem to mind at all, instead just distracting me and making me laugh.

As we reached the castle, it was decided that would meet back in the common room in an hour to play some games. I was hoping not drinking games, i had far too much of that last night.

As soon as I got back to my dorm, I ran a hot shower, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I changed into my Gryffindor sweatshirt and a pair of white pyjama shorts, leaving my hair to dry down. As I came down the steps into the common room, I saw about six people sat round the fire, I stopped for a minute, I just felt happy. Happiness was something I hadn't felt in awhile, it was nice.

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