Chapter 11: Unwanted Attention

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- my dms and inbox are always open to anyone, please contact helplines if somethings happened to you xx

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(this is a hotline number for rape and sexual assult)

As the term began, things were going great for Kaylee, her new found friendships were blooming- especially with the twins or in particular Fred.

The three fifth years seemed to do everything together, pulling pranks, messing around in lessons, Kaylee desperately trying to get them to do even an ounce of studying, taking walks around the grounds and staying up late to work on their joke products.

Kaylee was the happiest she had been in months.

Kaylee was the happiest she had been in months

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I was running late this morning, very late. Everything seemed to have gone to shit. My alarm didn't go off, i overslept, my skirt was lost and i was going to be late for potions.

I grabbed the rest of my uniform and threw it on as quickly as possible, the only other skirt  had was my one from my third year when i was a lot shorter, great. I rushed to the bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth and tried to make some sort of an effort.

I ran as fast as i could out of the Gryffindor tower towards snapes classroom, getting multiple stares from people around me.

When i finally arrived , i opened the door panting. I didn't mean to make this much of an entrance but i kind of threw myself at the door, which probably didn't help now that i think of it.

'Nice of you to join us Miss Evans' Snape said sternly as he and the rest of the class turned to face me.

'I'm so so sorry , my alarm didn't go of-' i tried to say but was cut of instantly

'As much as i would love to hear about all of your carefully though up excuses, i appear to be busy, you can inform me on Friday night at detention' he replied


I walked over to my desk near the front of the class and sat down next to Fred who just grinned at me.

As i was walking, a Slytherin wolf whistled at me from behind.

'Nice legs Evans' said a voice.

I whipped my head around to see that Adrian Pucey was staring right at me.

I flipped him off and sat down, Fred was sending the group of Slytherins a death stare and was mouthing something to them that i couldn't quite make out, although it did seem to shut them up.

'Rough morning?' Fred asked when he was finished.

'you bet' i replied whilst placing my head in my hands.

Potions was like always, long. When the lesson finally ended i grabbed Freds hand to get out of the class as fast as possible hoping that Snape wouldn't keep me behind.

They all had a free period now and as she was heading to the great hall with the twins to study and get some coffee, the girl felt a harsh slap on her arse.

She whipped her head around to see the group of Slytherin boys stood behind her with a proud look on their faces, laughing amongst themselves.

Fred almost stormed towards them with his fist curled but got stopped by Kaylee.

'If you ever think about doing that or even coming near me ever again, I will fucking hex your scrawny little dick off' she yelled whilst pointing her wand to his chin.

'Understood' she added with a grin

Pucey was red in the face as she pulled away from the boy.

There was quite a crowd in the hallway as the students were watching the drama take place.

As she began to walk away she heard a whisper.


She didn't hesitate in sending a curse towards him.

'Stupefy' she sent he boy flying backwards.

She grabbed both the twins arms and began running away to avoid getting any more detentions.

Once they reached the hall, they were all out of breath from sprinting through the hallways.

'I swear to godric. next time i see that kid he's dea-' fred began with his jaw tightened

'No, he's not worth it' i say cutting his death threats off.

'But he assaulted you' George said with the same anger in his face.

'Really i didn't notice' i say sarcastically 'Just promise me that you wont do anything okay'

'But-' they both say

'Promise me' i say sternly

'Fine' they both say

'Right I'm going to go get coffee' i saw before walking towards the kitchens.


'George i cant stand him' i say to my twin as i watch the girl walk away.

'I know you cant, neither can i' he replies.

'We cant just sit back and watch that happen to her' i say as i throw my head back

'She can handle herself, you saw her' he says trying to get me out of my mood.

'Well what's going to happen when she cant huh, what happens if he gets to her again'

'Freddie don't stress its not gonna happen' he says calmly

'I hate that all these boys think she owes them something' i say with a tightened jaw

'Do you think that maybe your working yourself up over this because you love her?'

'I don't know what your talking about' i say brushing him off quickly

'Come on lets go out to the pitch and practice' George says as we head out of the hall.

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