Diluc x OC - Mine to Protect Part 3

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A groan filled the air of the otherwise quiet room. With a sharp gasp, Emilia bolted upwards but quickly fell back from the sudden wave of dizziness that hit her. She groaned while pressing a hand to her forehead. She took a few deep breaths and once her dizziness subsided, she opened her eyes again. The first thing that she noticed was the white ceiling. The second thing she noticed was the softness of the surface underneath her. Slowly, as to not make the same mistake she did a few moments ago, she pushed herself up. Confusion overtook her as she looked around the unfamiliar room.

The brown wooden walls had elegant accents of white and gold. On the other side of her was an elaborately designed door. On the left side of the room was a door that probably led to what she guessed was a bathroom and on the right side of the room was a large window that nearly took up the whole wall. The curtains were drawn closed but she knew the sun had set outside. Emila's fingers flexed and she felt again the softness of the surface below her. She glanced down and noticed that she was perched atop a large king-sized bed with white silken sheets drawn over her lower half.

Where am I? She wondered to herself. The last thing she remembered was her picking some small lamp grass but then everything suddenly went dark. Emila made a move to get out of the bed when she heard the door knob to her room turn. Unable to move, Emilia sat frozen on the bed as the door was pushed open.

Her eyes widened when she saw Diluc enter. Diluc glanced up and noticed a shocked Emilia, wide awake sitting in the middle of his bed. He was surprised that she had woken up so early but his face did not betray his emotions. Instead, he calmly shut the door behind him and made his way towards her.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, taking a seat at the foot of the bed.

Emilia stammered. "I-I-good. A-a little confused but I feel okay. What happened? Where am I?"

Diluc sighed. "You were captured by a group of hilichurls. I found you at their camp and I took you back here. You had a few injuries but you were looked after by the maids."

Emilia nodded, she blushed profusely and looked down at her hands. Now she remembered exactly what happened. Diluc looked at her and asked the question that had been plaguing his mind for the last couple hours. "What is so important about the small lamp grass that you had to put yourself in such a dangerous situation?"

Emilia glanced up but quickly looked away again when she saw how angry Diluc looked with his arms crossed and a hard glare directed at her.

"Well...I-I heard from a few town's folk t-that pile 'em up was your favourite dish and I-I thought I would make it for you for our date...b-but the city was sold out of the lamp grass so...I went to get some." Emilia finished lamely.

Emilia embarrassedly watched Diluc close his eyes and take a shuddering breath. She felt so ashamed of herself. Seeing Diluc reaction to her answer made her realize just how stupid her actions were. She felt like she had ruined their first date by putting herself in such danger and burdening him like this.

Emilia looked up at him, ready to apologize profusely for her idiotic actions when Diluc's words halted her. She gasped at the emotions she saw in his eyes when he looked at her.

"Do you have any idea how worried I was? What you did was incredibly stupid and dangerous, Emilia." Emilia looked down in shame. She felt the bed shift as Diluc stood up. She had expected him to storm out of the room, but what she didn't expect was for him to sit down beside her and pull her into a tight embrace.

Emilia's eyes were as wide as saucers as Diluc pressed her face against his chest as he rested his chin atop her head. Emilia was rigid in his arms, as she tried to process what was happening. After a few quiet moments, she began to relax in his embrace until she bravely wrapped her arms around his waist. She pressed her face deeper into his chest and murmured an apology.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, but Diluc heard her. "It was very stupid of me. I wanted to do something nice for you on our first date but...but that isn't an excuse for what I did and the trouble I've caused you."

Diluc pulled her closer. "Just being able to spend time with you is enough for me, Emilia. I don't need you to do anything grand except give me your time, however, I appreciate your efforts. The next time you need to go somewhere dangerous, let me accompany you."

Emilia nodded as best as she could with her head still pressed firmly against his chest. As a moment, Emilia pulled her head back to look up at him. She brought her hands to his face and caressed his soft cheeks. "It might be a little late for our date...but would you consider a rain check?" She asked shyly.

Diluc rolled his eyes at her question, without a doubt he would accept her offer. "Of course. Will tomorrow work for you?"

Emilia nodded with a soft smile. "Good, now can you promise me you won't run off, needing to be saved by me again?" Diluc smirked.

Emilia gave him her meanest glare but failed and laughed wholeheartedly. "I promise."

With a blush dusting her cheeks, Emilia shyly pressed a kiss firmly to his lips. 

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