Noelle x Fem!Reader [Request 20] - A Sweet Gesture

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Requested by: Call_me_leaf

You leaned over your desk completely stressed out. You are Mondstadt's most successful event planners and Jean recently hired you to prepare the city for the annual Windblume festival. It was a week before the festivities began and there were already a few issues that were going to take a while to resolve. Unfortunately there were quite a bit of licensing issues that you needed to work with Jean to resolve. It was an absolute headache for the both of you but it needed to be done. You had worked for 6 hours straight today and you were done with it. You quickly put away your work and locked up your office before leaving.

You sped through the city with determination on your face. You knew today was her day off and she often spent it in the same place just relaxing. Noelle had actually joined the ranks of the Knights of Favonius two years ago and since then, she has been extremely busy living her dream of protecting the city. She had actually managed to climb to the rank of a Captain but that was no surprise to you

It was truly a grand celebration when Grand Master Jean received Noelle into her ranks. Truthfully, that was the first night that you had seen Noelle get drunk to the point of passing out. You were glad you joined her for her first drink of her life because goodness knows she needed the help afterwards.

You rush home and unlock the door to your shared apartment. Delicious smell of food wafted through your nose and your stomach growled. You hadn't even noticed how hungry you were until now. People often compared you to Jean in terms of being a major workaholic and you had to admit it, it was true.

You walk into the kitchen and a huge smile enveloped your face.

"I love your cooking by the way." You say as you skipped to Noelle's side. You looked across the counter with excitement. You see steaming container after container of beautiful food.

Noelle, who hadn't noticed your appearance until now, jumped and sequaled in surprise.

"(Y/N)? When did you get home?"

You giggle behind your hand. "Just now. What's with all the delicious food?" You ask, licking your lips.

Noelle blushed and turned back to her previous task before you startled her.

"Well, you have been very busy lately with the festival stuff and having to do all the cooking on top of that, I felt useless. So I thought I would do the cooking today and we can have a picnic by the lake. How does that sound?" She asked, smiling over her shoulder.

You lean over and kiss Noelle on the cheek. "That sounds lovely."

You grab a wicker basket from the closet and help Noelle pack the food, some drinks, and utensils.

"Ready?" Noelle nodded and hooked her arm around yours. You two made your way out of the city. You walked along the lake away from the city. Until you two found a nice little secluded place. You lay the blanket you grabbed with you on top of the sand.

Noelle placed the basket on the blanket and unpacked all the food she cooked. You graciously took the food she held out to you and you dug in. You were so starved from working all day that you couldn't hold yourself back.

"How was your day, Noelle?" You ask in between bites of your food.

Noelle giggled at your ravenous appetite. "Good. Today I trained some new recruits and ran them through some preliminary drills to see who was ready and who needed a little more time before joining us.

You smile at Noelle. "Brings back memories doesn't it?"

Noelle chuckled. "It certainly does. I didn't think I would pass truthfully, you should have been there (Y/N). I was so nervous I couldn't even hold my sword properly. I'm sure I dropped it 5 times."

You giggled at the funny image of a flustered Noelle screwing up the training drills. "But look at you now! Captain of your own company!"

Noelle blushed. You were always her biggest supporter. Truth be told, she didn't think she would have joined the ranks of the Knights so soon but you helped her out so much. Despite your busy schedule, you did your best to go out of your way to take care of Noelle. You often ate your lunch while you worked so you could go home early to cook for Noelle. You travelled all the way to Liyue to purchase some pricey healing balms from Bubu pharmacy to help Noelle recover from her training quicker. And needless to say, you did all the chores in your home.

When Noelle realized what you were doing, she argued with you about you having to take care of yourself. But you gently explained to her that this was a short term pain for long term gain. After a long conversation, Noelle finally relented and allowed you to take care of her. She made sure to show you how much she appreciated you whenever the chance came.

"How are things with the festival?" Noelle asked you in return.

You pouted. "Busy. Getting all the permits and co-ordinating with all the restaurants and vendors is difficult. It's slightly easier since I know Jean personally so getting the permits is very quick but there's soooo many of them."

Noelle rubbed a sympathetic hand down your back. "You're the best event planner in all of Mondstadt. You'll plan the best festival ever and after that maybe we can go on a short vacation together? I think the both of us need some time together."

You smile at Noelle and hold her hand in yours. "That sounds lovely. Jean actually suggested taking a week off after the festival. She offered to relieve you from your duties for the week so you could join me. She mentioned that there is this lovely resort in Liyue that caters to prominent leaders and figures. Jean even offered to pull a few strings so we could vacation there. What do you say, Noelle?"

Noelle nodded enthusiastically. "I love that idea and if Grand Master Jean does not mind, then I would love to take her up on her offer.

"I'll talk to Jean tomorrow when I see her then." You lean over and kiss Noelle's cheek. You two continue to eat the rest of Noelle's food before it gets too cold.

After packing away the dirty containers, you two lay beside each other on the blanket. Noelle's head rested on your chest. One of her arms slung over your waist lazily and she hooked her leg over your legs. Your arms were wrapped around her waist and you gently nuzzled your face into her soft hair.

You two spent the next hour just enjoying being in each other's arms and watching the sunset while the cool evening breeze caressed your skin. You ran your hand up and down Noelle's back. You knew that always made her sleepy, and just like always, she fell fast asleep.

You crack a smile at how cute her soft little snores were. She was absolutely mortified the first time you told her she snored in her sleep but you reassured her it was a cute soft snore; she still doesn't believe you.

You two often did this, falling asleep by the lake and staying out here through the night. Mondstadt was a pretty safe place, especially so close to the city walls. During the night, the city only kept a few lamp lights on. That way you could see the starry sky. It was absolutely breathtaking. Sometimes when you and Noelle couldn't sleep at home, you would grab a blanket and sleep out underneath the stars together. It was your favourite thing to do together.

You pull Noelle tighter against you. You thought you had woken her up when she shifted but all she did was move her head to your neck. You waited until she settled in.

"Good night Noelle." You kiss her head.

You didn't expect a response from her when you closed your eyes but you smiled when you heard her whisper. "Good night (Y/N)."

"Love you too."

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