Update on Smut :)

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Talking about age of consent guidelines & possibly unpublishing/migrating smut chapters 

So let's clarify some guidelines on the smut requests and updates I post for people complaining about Barbara/Noelle. For the purpose of this being a fanfiction, and the fact that I don't follow canon all that much, all characters are aged up to be the legal age of consent (16+) - this is the age set by Wattpad mature content guidelines and they ask that you abide to Canadian laws. Canadian laws exempts cases where individuals are younger than 16 if 1) the couple is very close in age and do not exceed a 5 year difference and 2) it's consensual. So even the Barbara/Noelle coupling abide by these guidelines since an aged 15 and 16 couple having sex is legal

Additionally, it should be clear in the stories themselves that all smut I write is consensual sex between established couples who are within a legal agegap. If anyone is troubled by some characters ages, be mindful that this is a fanfiction where characters are adjusted to fit my story (whether it be age, personality, or basic background history). Also Mihoyo's "ages" aren't even definitive when they don't explicitly state their ages either. No one actually knows the characters' ages lol every age you see online is an estimation. If there's a request you disagree with, ignore it - I put the ship and type of request in the title for the purpose of readers being able to pick and choose what they want/don't want to read based on their own level of comfort. 

Don't like? Don't read - pretty simple. 

I'm also going to be taking a break from fulfilling smut requests in the time being because I recently read a Wattpad Ambassador confirming that smut one-shots are considered prohibited pornographic content sooooo there's a chance that this whole book gets taken down because of the chapters I've included. Although I do have a backup of every story, I still wanna avoid having a whole book getting taken down lol. In the meantime, I might unpublish those chapters or migrate them to a different book/account. If I were to make each smut one-shot into a short story with a real plot and character development, that should be fine but just thinking of all the work that needs to go into that is tiring lol. I will still provide ya'll with the smut updates you want but I just need some time to figure out how to do this without putting myself at risk of losing my work so your patience is appreciated while I consider this situation. When I figure something out, I'll let ya'll know! 

I am so sorry for everyone who submitted a request and are currently waiting for them to be fulfilled. If you would like, I can fulfill your request but it will be a fluff version rather than smut. If this is something you would like, please feel free to reach out to me and let me know! 

Thanks everyone for your continued support and patience! 

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