Rosaria x Fem!Reader [Request 2] - Unknown Visitor

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Rosaria narrowed her eyes down below her.

"Sister Rosaria!" A voice shouted. Rosaria slowly looked over her shoulder to see Barbara standing behind her, nervously poking her fingers together.

"Yes?" Rosaria asked, disinterested. She already knew what Barbara wanted to say to her.

"Um...c-choir started a few minutes ago and S-sister Victoria was wondering where you are.

Rosaria turned away from Barbara and looked down at the person that had her attention earlier. "I will be there shortly." Rosaria turned away from Barbara.

Barbara wanted to say more but she knew it was useless. Rosaria would not be joining them this morning just like every other morning. Barbara left Rosaria to go back to her own duties.

At the front of the gates, a new face was talking to Swan and Lawrence.

"Good morning, miss. We have not seen you before, are you new here?" Swan asked politely.

The woman in question nodded back, a smile on her face.

"Yes I am. My name is (Y/N), I'm from Sumeru but I'm travelling at the moment. I was hoping to stay in Mondstadt for a bit."

Swan nodded at the young woman. "Sure, we'll just need to take you to see Jean, our acting Grand Master, for approval."

"Sure, whatever you need." (Y/N) followed Swan through the city to see Jean. Rosaria observed their interaction with suspicion since she was too far to hear what was said. Who was this girl? Where was she from? What is she doing here? Where was Swan taking her?

Rosaria decided investigating this newcomer was worth her time much more than her boring Church duties. She turned around and began to trail behind the girl and Swan. Rosaria's interest rose a bit when she saw the pair walk into the Knight's headquarters.

Rosaria walked to the side of the building and stood in the shadow. It wasn't long before she saw the doors open again and the girl walked out. Rosaria looked at her curiously. The girl walked down the steps and disappeared in the city. Swan hadn't walked out yet so she stayed where she was.

Rosaria was annoyed when Swan came out 10 minutes later. Before he had the chance to walk down the stairs, Rosaria was in front of him blocking his way.

"S-sister Rosaria. H-how are you?" Swan stuttered. The woman scared him, he really wished Lawrence was with him right now. The chilly attitude of hers sent literal chills down his spine.

"Who was that girl?" Rosaria asked point blank.

Swan was stunned so he didn't respond to her which annoyed Rosaria. Rosaria took a step towards him and asked again. Swan was nervous again and took a step back.

"(Y/N) is a traveller from S-sumeru and she's s-staying in Mondstadt for a f-few weeks. J-Jean just approved h-her stay."

Rosaria didn't say anything more to Swan as she turned and walked away. Swan let out a sigh of relief now that Rosaria's presence was elsewhere.

Rosaria was sitting atop the walls of Mondstadt, thinking about the girl from Sumeru. Sumeru was a far off land ruled by the Dendro archon. There was not a lot that was known about Sumeru so Rosaria was a little suspicious about having a visitor from there. Swan didn't even mention why she was in Mondstadt other than the fact that she was a traveller.

"She's hiding something." Rosaria contemplated. Since Rosaria was positioned so high, she noticed the girl in question out of the corner of her eye. She was speaking with the traveller, Lumine, and her talkative companion, Paimon.

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