Jean x Lisa - A Long Overdue Vacation Final

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Lisa rushed up the stairs of the Knight's headquarters, ignoring the cries from the citizens. She didn't even bother greeting any of the knights as she burst into her fiancée's office. She slammed the door behind her and quickly locked it.

Jean looked up from her desk with a creased forehead. "Lisa? Are you okay?"

Lisa groaned and made her way to the couch. She dropped onto the couch with an exasperated sigh.

"Can you tell the city to stop asking about the wedding and how you proposed!!??" Lisa screamed into her hands.

Jean stared at Lisa for 10 seconds before bursting out with laughter. The newly engaged pair had returned from their vacation two weeks ago. They walked through the gates hand-in-hand and were welcomed back by several citizens. Amber had been among the group and she had noticed the rings on their fingers. She, on impulse, had shouted to the whole city that the two were engaged. The city had immediately erupted in an uproar and the pair were surrounded in seconds.

Jean had to call on some of the knights to hold the crowd back because in their excitement they had gotten a little pushy. Ever since then, whenever they went out people always approached them to offer their congratulations and to inquire about their wedding date. It amazed Jean how impatient the citizens were. They had only gotten engaged two-weeks ago; it would be a while until they started planning their wedding.

"I'll see what I can do, Lisa."

Jean approached Lisa and lifted Lisa's head. Jean took a seat on the couch and laid Lisa's head on her lap. Jean ran her hand through Lisa's hair and smiled down at her witch.

"You know, I've been thinking that the citizens have a point."

"What do you mean?"

"Well...I kind of want to have our wedding soon. The sooner the wedding the sooner I can call you my wife. What do you think, Lisa?"

" really want that?" Lisa asked.

Jean shrugged her shoulders. "I do. I love you, Lisa, you know that already. I want to be able to call the woman I love my wife, you know?"

Lisa laughed and smiled up with Jean with a glint in her eyes. "Let's plan a wedding, darling!"


Two weeks later at exactly 12:00 pm, every citizen from around Mondstadt gathered around the archon statue. Standing at the very top of the stairs of the church were Lisa and Jean clad in beautiful white dresses. The two stood facing each other with their hands interlocked between them.

"Thank you for taking the time out of your days to join us on this very special occasion!" The priest began. "Today, we are gathered to see the union of our Grandmaster, Jean Gunnhildr and the brightest witch of our era, Lisa Minci!"

"Please! Let us begin!" The priest shouted, immediately silencing the rambunctious watchers. "Jean, will you take Lisa Minci as your wife and have and to hold in sickness and in health until death do you apart?"

Jean looked into Lisa's eyes and replied clearly. "I do."

"Lisa, will you take Jean Gunnhildr as your wife and have and to hold in sickness and in health until death do you apart?"

Lisa nodded. "I do!"

"Then it is with my honour that this union has been recognized before the Church of Favonius. I now pronounce you wife and wife! You may now kiss."

Jean pulled Lisa towards her by the waist and pressed her lips to Lisa's with passion.

The cheers that erupted from the crowd was powerful. Trumpets blared in the background and fireworks shot through the skys. A shower of confetti launched over the area. The two women pulled back from their kiss with tears in their eyes - it was finally official.

Jean grabbed Lisa's hand and led her down the stairs that were clad with a red carpet. At the bottom of the stairs they were greeted by Barbatos who pulled the two women into a hug.

"Congratulations you two! I am so happy for you! You should come by the tavern tonight, there will be a grand ol celebration!"

The two ladies laughed at the anemo archon and promised that they would be there after their own celebration. The happy crowd parted before the two to make a path for them. Lisa and Jean smiled and thanked everyone that congratulated them.

After some time they managed to make it to the gates of the city where a carriage was waiting for them. Jean helped Lisa into the carriage that was going to take them to a cottage a little ways away from the city.

They couldn't do anything other than hold each other in an intimate embrace in the carriage. They were still accepting the reality that it was now official!

After a silent 15 minute ride, the carriage pulled up to a large cottage decorated with red roses. Lisa and Jean thanked the driver before walking into the cottage.

Jean sweeped Lisa into her arms and took her to the bedroom. Jean lightly threw Lisa onto the soft bed and crawled over her, which was made difficult by her long dress.

Jean hovered over Lisa and caged her in her arms.

"I love you, wife." Jean said softly.

Lisa smiled up at Jean with nothing but love in her eyes. "I love you too, wife." 

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