Eula x Amber [Request 7] - A Hilichurl Camp Date

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Eula locked her office door behind her and walked out of the Knights' headquarters. She would make a quick stop at home to freshen up a little before meeting Amber at the tavern for their weekly drink date.

It wasn't long before she made her way to the tavern after having a shower to wash off the day's sweat. She was walking through the city square when she heard hurried footsteps behind her. Eula would usually ignore them had it not been for the voice that called out her name.

She stopped and turned to see the person she was on her way to meet.

"E-Eula!" Amber rasped out. She had her hands on her knees and she was breathing heavily. Eula's eyebrows drew together in concern. "Are you alright, Amber?" Eula asked, running her hand up and down the girl's back.

Amber nodded but she didn't say anything yet. Eula waited patiently for Amber to explain herself.

"I-I'm sorry Eula, I was hoping to let you know earlier today but I ended up being busier than I thought! I can't make it to our date tonight because I got a last minute request from the hunters of Springvale saying a nearby hilichurl camp was attacking their delivery drivers."

Eula shook her head and waved her hand dismissively. "No need to apologize, Amber, I understand. We can always reschedule for another time."

Amber smiled at Eula, she was always so understanding when unexpected things came up. "I- I'll stop by your office tomorrow."

Amber quickly hugged Eula and turned around to leave the city. Amber walked a few steps but was perplexed by the sound of footsteps following her. She stopped and glanced behind her to see Eula following her.

"E-Eula? What are you doing?" Amber asked, tilting her head in confusion.

Eula crossed her arms. "I'm coming with you."

Amber opened her mouth to protest but she thought better of herself. After being with Eula for 2 years now, Amber knew that Eula was a stubborn one. Once she sets her mind on one thing, she'll see it through to the end. Instead of arguing, Amber nodded her head and the two of them left the city together.

Eula was hoping that the quicker she helped Amber destroy the camp, maybe they would have some time to spend together tonight. That was her primary reason for tagging along but her second reason that Amber didn't know about was that the hilichurl camp Amber described had actually interfered with a mission Eula had a few weeks ago.

Eula was in pursuit of a thief but the hilichurls intercepted her and delayed her by a few minutes. By the time Eula caught up to the thief, the traveller and her companion had already arrested them in the name of the Knights of Favonius! Eula was infuriated and now was her chance to get revenge against those blasted hilichurls.

It wasn't long before they reached Springvale. Draff had welcomed the two at the entrance to Springvale and he quickly briefed them on the current situation.

"My apologies for requesting your aid so late Outrider Amber and Captain Lawrence. A few of our hunters were ambushed yesterday by a group of hilichurls and they destroyed a few of the products en route to Liyue. Earlier today I sent out a group of hunters to survey the area. They reported that the camp is located South of here. If you follow the trail, you'll eventually see it. It's a rather large camp with maybe 18-20 hilichurls."

Amber pressed a hand to her cheek and her arm was crossed over her chest. She intently listened to the information Draff provided. She was familiar with the area, she had destroyed a camp around that area before but it seems the hilichurls had re-established a new camp there.

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