Ganyu x Keqing [Request 9] - Anniversaries and Memories

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Keqing walked down the streets of Liyue harbour with a beautiful bouquet of Qingxins and Glaze Lilies. Keqing hummed happily to herself as she looked at the elegantly wrapped flowers with a gentle smile.

Keqing unlocked the door to her home. Her smile widened when the smell of delicious food wafted towards her. Keqing locked the door behind her and quickly made her way to the kitchen.

"Happy anniversary!" She exclaimed when she stepped into the kitchen, Ganyu who was standing at the kitchen counter plating the food, jumped a little in surprise. She looked over her shoulder and smiled gently at Keqing.

"Happy anniversary to you too!" She giggled. Keqing walked up to Ganyu and kissed her cheek.

"These are for you." She said, bringing the bouquet out from behind her back.

Ganyu gasped in surprise before a wide smile spread across her face. "Oh my, these are so beautiful! And they smell amazing." Said Ganyu, taking a deep inhale of the fresh blooms.

"How was your day?" Keqing asked. She wrapped her arms around Ganyu's slender waist and pulled her closer to her.

Ganyu placed the beautiful bouquet on the counter beside her and giggled. "Very good. The workload was a lot lighter today so I was able to come home early. I thought I would cook us a nice meal instead of eating out since we've done that so often. Is that okay?"

Keqing smiled goofily at Ganyu and nodded. "Of course. Your cooking is wonderful, better than Chef Mao's I must say but don't tell him I said that!"

Ganyu giggled and nodded her head. "Of course of course, it'll be our little secret. Are you hungry yet?"

Keqing nodded. "I'm starving, I had to travel quite a bit today so I'm glad I'm home now with you."

Keqing smiled at Ganyu and reached a hand up to poke Ganyu's cheek with her finger. "You're so cute when you blush." She said, making Ganyu blush even harder. Ganyu slapped Keqing's hand away.

"S-stop it!" She pouted. Ganyu pushed Keqing away from her. "Can you take the dishes to the table while I put these flowers in a vase?"

Keqing nodded and got to work setting the table. Her mouth watered and her stomach grumbled when she saw the delicious plates of vegetables and meats. They rarely cook at home because of their ridiculously busy schedules. Since they wanted to spend what little time they had resting and cuddling with one another, they always opted to order takeout instead of cooking themselves as a way to save time. Just as Keqing finished setting the utensils on the table, Ganyu came up beside her and placed the beautifully arranged vase of flowers at the center of their dining table.

"How does it taste?" Ganyu asked. She eagerly watched Keqing eat a piece of the Tianshu meat she prepared. Keqing closed her eyes and tilted her head back slightly and moaned lightly.

"Delicious, as always. I'm so grateful that at least one of us can cook." Keqing murmured. Ganyu giggled at that. She sure hoped her cooking skills were good since she had centuries to perfect her cooking!

They spent the rest of their dinner catching up with each other about their day and talking about just about anything as they enjoyed their food. Ganyu was washing the dishes while Keqing stood beside her drying them. She glanced over to Keqing and noticed the girl was lost in her own little world. Ganyu nudged Keqing's shoulder and Keqing snapped out of her daze. She looked at Ganyu questioningly.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Ganyu asked with a closed eye smile.

Keqing grinned. "Us."

Ganyu blinked her eyes a couple times; she didn't expect that answer. "What about 'us'?" She asked.

Keqing giggled but it soon turned into full blown laughter. Ganyu turned off the tap and stared at Keqing like she lost her mind. "What's so funny?" She whined. She was getting impatient with Keqing for not sharing what she found so amusing.

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