Nick took me to a party

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A loud ringing interrupts my peaceful dream, making me sit up quickly. I look around confused, then realize it was just my phone. The sunlight flooded in through the window, making my room glow a beautiful shade.

My phone keeps ringing, and I finally decide to look at it. I stretch my limbs carefully then reach for the phone. Nick was calling me. I contemplate whether I should answer or not, but make the choice of answering.

"Hey, Clay!" He sounded cheerful and excited, which was not good. I already knew what this was going to be. Another party. The last one ended up with me having to carry Nick back to my house after he got into a fight over a slice of pizza. It wasn't even good pizza.

"Good morning." I yawn and stand up, walking downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Morning? It's 3 in the afternoon. Did you really oversleep again?" He sounded surprised, but I knew he wasn't actually.

"Yeah, I guess." Honestly, he should be used to my terrible sleeping habits at this point. I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand and ruffled my hair a bit to make it less messy, but just ended up making it look worse.

"So, did you need something?"

"Yes. We're going to a party today."

"We are not. I'm not going."

"Why not?"

"I don't enjoy them. You always leave me then when I eventually find you you're in some sort of mess and I have to get you out of it."

"Okay, well, I promise I won't do anything bad today. Okay?"

I felt bad turning him down, he was the only friend I really had. "Fine. When and where is it?"

"Sweet! I'll be at yours at 9 then we'll walk down there, it's only a ten minute walk."

Before I could even respond I heard two beeps from the phone as he hung up the call. I sighed. Guess I have no choice now.

I place my phone down on the counter and make a bowl of cereal. Cereal was probably my favourite food. It was quick to make and tasted nice. Well, most of them did.

Once my breakfast is all eaten, I head to the bathroom to shower, singing along to the music I had playing in the background. Before I moved out into my own house, my siblings would always laugh at me as they could heard my obnoxious singing from the bathroom every morning.

I didn't care though. It was fun and enjoyable, a great way to start my mornings. Well, afternoon in this case. And most cases.

I turned the shower off and dried my body then put on some clothes I would be wearing to the party. Just a hoodie and some jeans like what I normally wear. There was no need to wear anything better or fancier than that.

It was 4PM now, so there was still about five hours until Nick would be here. I needed a way to kill the time so I could get the party done and over with. My eyes scanned my room. Maybe I could stream, I haven't done so in a while.

My monitor lit up as I turned on the computer, green lights immediately illuminating the area around my desk. I clicked a few things and soon was ready to start the stream. The tweet was sent and now it was just waiting for some viewers to get on the stream.

"Hi." I cheerfully spoke to my stream, answering questions from donations and looking at the chat which was flying by very fast. It was amazing how many people supported me, and made me incredibly happy.

I streamed for a few hours, entertaining the viewers with some occasional jokes. It was just speedrunning, so I could relax and just focus on the game. The time flied past faster than I had expected, and soon it was already 8PM.

After falling in lava and dying, I chose to end the stream there, saying my goodbyes and thank yous to everybody watching. The stream turned to the offline screen and I smiled to myself.

The next hour passed by normally, just eating a quick meal and scrolling through my phone until Nick knocked on my door.

"You ready to go?" He asked me cheerfully. I never understood where he got all the energy for so many parties from, and how he could even enjoy them.

"Yeah, let's get going."

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