My kindness

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Friday morning. That means tomorrow is Saturday. And what happens on Saturday..?

Nick's party.

The party which I definitely haven't been dreading ever since he practically forced me to go to it. I wanted to stay at home and play Minecraft with George instead, but unfortunately it was much too late to back out now.

George is still sleeping peacefully, and I don't want to wake him up. He needs rest, I'm sure he's stressed out from the sudden change. I grab a change of clothes and walk into my bathroom, turning on the shower.

Hopefully George wouldn't be woken up by the sound of the shower. I step in and the hot water warms my body.

My hair dampens and I wash it with shampoo. The sweet smell fills the shower and I inhale deeply.

I hear a knock on the door and turn to face it. The glass shower walls are slightly steamed up from the heat of the water. But I can still make out everything in the room. "Yes?" I call out, assuming it's George.

My assumption is correct and I hear George's calming voice. "Can I come in?"

"Su- Wait, why?!" I quickly turn around so my back faces the door as I hear it opening. Footsteps echo are barely audible over the sound of the shower.

"Did you need something, George?" I make very awkward eye contact with him, trying desperately to cover up as much as I can.

"Uh, no." He shrugs and carries on looking at me. I can feel the very much present heat rushing to my cheeks.

I notice George's eyes scanning my body up and down a few times. Luckily he can't see... too much.

A few long and tense seconds pass, with him still staying in the exact same spot, and still looking at my exposed body. "Are you just gonna stand there?"

"Is that an invitation to join you?" He smirks and steps closer to the shower. I wish it was, George.

"You're ridiculous." I laugh and he starts laughing with me. He turns around and steps out of the bathroom, but leaves the door wide open.

"George! Close the door." I can hear a distant shout of something along the lines of "I'm busy."

I turn off the shower and step out, droplets of water falling from my body. The steam fills the bathroom and the mirror is fogged up. I grab my towel and wrap it around myself then close the door of the bathroom, locking it this time.

Minutes later I'm dry and fully clothed. Once I step out of the bathroom, I see that George is back in bed again.

"George, get up, we have to unpack your stuff." He groans and turns around, back facing me. I frown and walk up to the bed.

"George?" My hand lands on his back carefully. He jumps slightly at the sudden touch but I feel his muscles relaxing quickly. I notice that he's shaking slightly.

"Come here, George." I open my arms in a welcoming manner, and George sits up then falls into my chest.

"What's going on?" He begins shaking more so I grab the blanket that's on the bed and wrap it around him, then pull him in even closer than before.

"I-I don't deserved all this, Clay..." He lets out a quiet sob, muffled by my shirt as he's digging his face into my chest. "You're so kind to me... But I've done nothing in return."

"George, no, don't think like that. You deserve more than I'm even able to offer. You make me happier than any person has ever before." I needed to make sure he knew just how much he meant to me. Of course, while being incredibly careful to not slip up and accidentally expose my growing feelings for him.

"You've done so much without even realising. Just you being here is enough for me. I want you to be happy, George. And I'll do everything in my power to make you feel as safe as possible." His sobbing reduces down to a few sniffles. Today and the next few days will be tough for him as he adjusts to the change. But in the end, it will all pay off, and I'm going to be here for him through the entire journey.

"Your words truly mean so much to me, thank you." He smiles and looks up at me. I reach my hand up to cup his cheek and stare into his eyes. I think about kissing him... But I can't. I'm not fully certain that he likes me. I can't risk messing everything up after I've gotten this far.

I settle on just hugging him. We stay in the hug for about five minutes before George pulls away. The warmth instantly vanishes when he stands up from the bed.

"Let's go make breakfast."


was gonna upload way more chapters but my motivation got washed down the drain :[
shorter chapter sorry

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