This is a new feeling, but I like it

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The bell above the door rang and we instantly pulled apart. George turned around and we were greeted with a weird stare from a customer who had just walked in.

The customers awkwardly laughed then turned around and walked back out, mumbling a quiet "Sorry" as they walked out of the door. George turned to look at me then hopped of the counter.

Both of us ignored what had just happened; how close we were, our breaths merging together. It was difficult to look at him without turning into a blushing mess, but our eyes met a few times as he got back to making the tea.

"You don't have to make it, George, you're injured." The bandages were wrapped tightly around his hands and fingers, some parts already stained red as the blood hadn't stopped yet.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

"No, I don't want you to get any more hurt." He turned to look at me and his lips turned up into a slight smile. I walked closer and grabbed his hands so he couldn't do anything. He seemed a bit shocked, but I soon felt the tension in his body disappearing as he got used to my touch.

"So, Clay..."

"Um, yes?" Worry started to fill me along with shaky nerves. I was scared he was going to bring up what had happened between us just a few minutes ago.

But luckily, he didn't. "I don't really know much about you."

"Oh, yeah. I don't know much about you either."

"Well, you know that I spend my days walking around a café in a maid dress." He laughed a bit at his own statement. My lips curled into a smile once again, the energy he radiated was positive and kind. It made me feel like I had to protect him, so he didn't get hurt. A person as kind and caring as him didn't deserve even the slightest of pains.

"Uh, well... My job is, uh- You'll probably laugh at me..." I remembered how when I quit my regular job to focus on my channel, my parents made fun of me saying how it was stupid. They eventually became more supportive when they saw my success, but it still made me nervous to tell anyone. Only Nick and my close family knew.

"I won't laugh, I promise. I'm literally dressed like an idiot right now." My eyes scanned him up and down, and he definitely noticed as his face was dusted with a suttle blush.

"A cute idiot." The words were out before I could stop myself. But I went along with it. He deserved to know my honest thoughts.

"T-thanks." His hands raised to his face as he tried to hide his increasing redness. I laughed quietly and took his hands away.

After a few moments we returned to the conversation. "So what job do you have then?" I contemplated whether I should tell him or not. He said he wouldn't make fun of me, and everything in me seemed to believe that.

"I, uh, play Minecraft." My head tilted as I stared at the floor intently. Hm, floor, interesting. "And, um- YouTube too." He moved a bit closer to me.

"Really?!" He sounded excited, which came as a surprise to me. A confusing surprised. It almost seemed like he was jumping up


"That's awesome! I play Minecraft sometimes too, but I'm not really too good at it." He chuckled awkwardly. It was reassuring knowing that he thought my career was cool, and even better that he had some sort of interest in the game that my life revolves around.

The next half our consisted of me showing George my channel, and him looking through some of the videos. Obviously we'd be here for hours if he were to watch the full videos, so he just watched a few minutes of random ones. "That's really amazing, Clay. I'm definitely going to watch some more of your videos."

"Thanks for everything, you're so nice to me even though we only just met." Maybe he's like this with everyone? I pushed away my thoughts, I'd end up overthinking and leaving if I didn't.

"Of course, you're a lovely person, how could I not be nice?" His words warmed my heart. I was dying inside, but in a good way. Every time we made eye contact my stomach danced, filling with fluttering butterflies. I didn't want to let go of this feeling.

"You know, you're different than Nick."

"What do you mean? In what way?"

"Um, I don't know... It just feels different... My heart feels like it's melting every time we talk." I smiled to myself and George seemed to blush at my words, but I wasn't sure why.

"Are you okay? You look a bit red." I took my hand up to his forehead to see if he had a temperature, but that seemed to make him redden even more.

"U-um." My arm fell back to my side, lightly brushing George's hand in the process. He seemed to lean towards me a bit more than usual.

"D-do you want to play Minecraft together some time. I'm not the best but I can try." I couldn't stop the smile from spreading across my face.

"Yes! That sounds fun."

I Fell in Love with a Boy in a Maid Dress - DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now