The bright side with him (+NEW BOOK)

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chapter 1 of my new book is up if you want to check that out =)

I will still be updating this, might just be once a day instead of how much I updated before because it is coming to an end now


I was laying on the livingroom couch, my eyes glued to George. A few days had passed since we started dating, yet every time I look at him it's like I'm falling in love again. And each time, the feelings feel stronger and stronger.

He's arranged books on a shelf in the corner of the room, with his back turned to me. I laugh to myself at the sight of him trying to reach the top shelf, standing on the tip of his toes.

"Nice view, George." He turns his head to face me, lowering himself so he's standing normally. He raises an eyebrow in confusion.

Once he realized what I'm staring at, his face flushes red, and he tries to pull down the short skirt that's hugging his body slightly.

I chuckle and sit up from where I'm laying. He crosses his arms and looks away from me. "Can you help?"

"I don't know, can I?" One of my elbows rests against my knee, with my chin resting in my hand. I tilt my head slightly, admiring how cute George is when I embarass him.

"Clay! Please, I can't get these up." He kicks the pile of books by his feet. I chuckle and stand up, walking over to him. My hands reach for the pile of large and heavy books, picking them all up effortlessly.

I put them on the shelves, George showing me where each one should go. "Are you going to decorate my entire house now?"

"Yeah, it's boring." I roll my eyes at him and he walks away from the shelf. "You know I'm right."

"I know, I know." I follow him through the house, and he takes me into his room. I look around, it was different than it did the last time I went into it which was only this morning. "What did you do?"

"I decorated! Look, there loads of plants now. And some posters." The room definitely reminded me of George. There were pink decorations on the walls, and colourful lights in each corner.

"It looks nice. My room next?"

"I already decorated your room." I raised an eyebrow, confused, as I wasn't sure when George had the time to do this without me realizing.

"When did you do that?" My eyes scanned his room, looking at the small animal sculptures on his desk.

"When you were asleep downstairs. You were passed out for a good five hours, so I took the time to fix up your boring room, and also mine." I smile at him gratefully. He always puts so much thoughts into everything he does for me. I'm glad George is the one I fell in love with.

"Let's go to it now then." I take my eyes off the decorations, and look at him. He nods in agreement and walks up to me. Our hands quickly find each other, holding on tightly. He walks in front of me, dragging me along.

Dog emerges from one of the doors in the hallway, tagging along on our short trip through the house. When we get to the door, George turns to me. My vision disappears as he puts his hands over my eyes. "You better not murder me, George."

I hear him giggle and slowly start guiding me through the door. I hold onto him tightly, scared that I'll bump into something. George stops walking which makes me bump into him.

I lose my balance and fall backwards, landing uncomfortable against a wall. "Ouch." My hand lifts to rub the back of my head, which collided with the wall. I wince and pull my hand away.

"Clay... Are you okay?" I open my eyes and see his face right in front of mine. His expression is filled with worry, and he lifts his hands up to inspect my head. I turn it to the side so he can look at it.

"It doesn't look bad or anything. Does it hurt?" He rests his hand on my head, a small bump forming from where I hit the wall.

"Yeah, I hurts a bit." George traces the area with his thumb gently. It somehow makes me forget about the pain, just focusing on his caring actions.

"I'm sorry, I should've been more careful. I'll make sure to not do that again." He takes my hands in his and helps me stand up, not letting go of me.

"It's okay, it'll be fine. I'm the one who lost balance." He guides me to my bed and we lay down together. I look around the room a bit, aware of the headache that's slowly developing.

"It actually looks like a room now and not an empty box with a desk and bed in it." My eyes scan the photos that are stuck up on one of the walls. Photos of me and George. And some of me and Nick. George smiles at me, his eyes sparkling.

"Do you like it?" He fiddles with my shirts, tickling me slightly.

"Of course I do, George." I place a loving kiss on his forehead, then relax my body. George yawns and sits up, getting a blanket and pulling it over us both.

He moves closer to me, my arms wrapping around him loosely. "Are you tired?" He lazily nods into my chest, which makes me laugh quietly. "You're adorable George. Goodnight."

His snores quickly fill the room. I think about everything that's happened recently. The time I've known George for, and the week that we've been dating for.

The past week was fun. Me and George spent every second together. We went to different restaurants, a few fun attractions. My favourite memory was when we made a blanket fort two days ago. George looked so happy then. I was glad that I could provide him with a better home than what he'd come from.

I fell asleep with a wide smile in my face, thinking about the boy in my arms. The boy I'm in love with, and want to spend the rest of my life with. George.

I Fell in Love with a Boy in a Maid Dress - DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now