Don't do this

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awesome art by bibinsjshdg :) <3

awesome art by bibinsjshdg :) <3

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tw: sexual assault + rape

this is the only chapter which is in George's POV

also new character


I fix my hair up in the mirror once I'm finish with my bathroom break. It's pretty messy but a few random gestures manage to fix it up a bit. I turn to the door and unlock it, stepping out. I smile, expecting to see Clay standing before me, but my lips immediately drop to a frown when I notice he is not there.

My head rapidly turns in all direction, trying to scout out the tall boy with messy blonde hair. But no matter how hard I look, and how much I squint my eyes, my desperate hopes lead to nothing. I'm about to walk out of the hallway when a familiar voice calls out from behind me.

"Hey, George." I flinch at the low tone of the person standing near me. I turn my body to face me.

"Leave me alone, Jacob." It's not difficult to see that I'm drowning in fear right now. My voice is shaky and quiet, as I grasp for an escape from this situation.

"No, George."

"Leave me alo-" But before I can finish my sentence, his hand tightly moves over my mouth, restricting my ability to speak. He pulls me into an empty room, and I feel my body colliding with what feels like a wall. I hear the door close and lock, then Jacob's breath on my skin.

He's standing over me with a massive grin on his face. "I'm going to make you regret leaving me."

Jacob was my ex boyfriend who I broke up with three months ago after he had been cheating on me through most of our relationship. At the start of the breakup, he kept stalking me for a while... Which I thought was really weird. But after some time I stopped seeing him. I guess that's changed now...

"I'll never regret leaving you. It was the best choice I've ever made." He laughs loudly at my words and his hands go either side of my body. There's no way for me to escape, considering the strength difference I'm fully aware about from past events.

"Please just let me go." I plead but nothing good comes of it. My body is pulled across the room and when I finally land, my body drops into something soft. We must be in a spare bedroom.

Jacob starts tugging on my clothes to try and take them off, but his actions are sloppy and he quickly gives up. "Don't do thi-" I feel his cold hands on my skin. It feels horrible, knowing that I can't do anything to get out of this situation.

He takes a tight hold of my skirt and pulls it down with a lot of force, then does the same to my tops. I can't even bring myself to protest anymore, knowing that no matter what I say or do I can't escape this. I can't escape him.

"Looks like you've gained some weight since I last saw you." I flinch at the harsh comment, but don't let it affect me.

"Give me my clo-" My sentence is interrupted again by his lips harshly slamming into mine. I try to push away from him but there's nowhere I can go. My words are silenced and I became myself for the worst that could happen.

"You'll learn to listen to me when I'm done with you George." He spits the words out angrily once he finally pulls away from my lips. I gasp for breath and my eyes squint shut tightly as his hands start moving across my body.

He quickly pulls me into the floor in a single motion, and when I open my eyes I see something I did not want to see, centimeters away from my face. He forces my mouth to open and tears fall from my once again squinted eyes as he harshly slams his entire length into me. He keeps repeating the motion until he's done with that.

I get pulled back onto the bed and get thrown onto my stomach. "Wait no-" He tightly grips my ass and positions himself. I feel his erection right by my entrance, before there's loud knocking on the door.

He quickly steps away and fixes up his clothes, throwing the hood as far over his head as it can go, then heads to the door and rushes out. The person who was knocking comes inside, and I hear a distant gasp. "George!"

Everything feels horrible. I'm laying here with my clothes sprawled across the floor. They'll probably think I wanted this to happen. "Clay, I found him." I hear the male voice shout, then another person rushes into the room.


I Fell in Love with a Boy in a Maid Dress - DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now