I want to tell you how cute you are

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Nick kept laughing at me because I was a nervous mess. My foot tapped the floor rapidly, and I listed to the ticks of the clock as the boy prepared our order.

"Stop laughing." I muttered. He just shook his head at me and sighed, getting out his phone. My phone vibrated in my pocket so I took it out to see.

Nick had tweeted: Dream is in love.

I closed the app and put my phone back, then glared at Nick angrily. He chuckled and said he'd delete it.

The strong smell of coffee filled my nose and lungs, it was a relaxing smell, and certainly one I would remember for a while.

The scent got stronger as our order was carried to us. I looked at the same boy walking towards us. He moved our cups and Nick's plate onto the table then smiled before walking off. My eyes followed him as he went back behind the counter.

I was staring for quite a while. So long that Nick nudged me, pointing out that he'd already eaten his cake and almost finished his entire coffee. I took a few large sips of my tea. We sat at the table in silence until we were both finished with our beverages.

We stood up and turned to walk towards the door. Nick walked out and as I was about to step out of the door, I felt a light tug on the back of my shirt. Confused, I turn around and see him. He's looking at the floor and awkwardly fiddling, trying to say something.

"H-hey, um... Uh." He looks around nervously, but all I could look at was him. It's like an angel fell from the sky and landed right there in front of me.

"It's okay, take your time." I smile at him, looking over the details of his dress. It frilled slightly at his shoulders, and emphasised his waist. The skirt part was frilly and short.

"What's your name?" He finally managed to get out, then looked up at me. A blush was visible on his pale face, and his expression was to die for.

"Clay." His eyes seemed to almost sparkle at my answer. "What's yours?"

"My name's George." I nodded and smiled at him. We stared at each other, neither of us saying anything.

"You-" My sentence was cut short my Nick walking back into the café.

"Clay stop flirting and hurry up." My face turned red and I awkwardly turned around and stepped out of the door.

"Bye, Clay."

I turned around, but he was already walking away, so I whispered only loud enough for me to hear. "Bye, for now."

We walked back to where the car was parked, and once we sat down Nick instantly started looking at me, a massive smirk displayed on his face.

"What?" I turn to face him.

"Nothing, nothing."

"No, tell me." I crossed my arms and stared at him intensely.

"I guess you'll be returning to the maid café again then?" He joked while starting the car and driving out of the parking spot.


"How else will you see your little lover?" I stayed silent, trying to mask my enbarassment by distracting myself, picking at my nails.

Comfortable silence filled the rest of the drive, Nick taking me back to my house. He pulled into the driveway and we said our goodbyes. I stood by the door waving him off as he drove out, then turned and unlocked the door.

I sighed loudly once I was inside, thinking about what just happened. A smile crept across my face without me even realising.

"Nick was right... I need to go back there again." I wanted to see George again. George with the maid dress. And the beautiful smile.

Patches started meowing by my foot so I walked to the kitchen and poured her some fresh food and changed the water bowl, then headed to my room. The sun escaped through the gaps in the blinds, lighting up the space a bit.

I walked towards my bed, then collapsed onto it with a 'poof'. The soft covers consumed me, and I closed my eyes. My brain scanned through all the possible scenarios of what could happen when I visit the café again.

Somewhere along the way I'd decided that tomorrow would be my next visit, but this time without Nick there to annoy and tease me. I faded into tiredness and fell asleep with a smile on my face, not even bothering to get changed.

I Fell in Love with a Boy in a Maid Dress - DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now