Maybe the forfeit wasn't so bad after all...

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It was only a ten minute drive to the Maid Café. Nick parked the car and we had to walk a few streets down to get to it. I enjoyed the gentle breeze and the warm sun.

As soon as we reached the building I was pretty shocked. I paused outside it to look at it. The café looked really nice. There was a "MaidNotFound Café" sign on it, so I'm guessing that was the name of the café. I liked the sound of it. The walls were all brick, with some small windows where the inside could be seen a bit. There were three tables outside but nobody was at them, it was pretty chilly today.

When we walked in, a quiet bell chimed above the door to signal that there were new customers.

Surprisingly we were the only people in the café. It was empty and the only sound filling the silence was some quiet music coming from a speaker in the corner. Me and Nick walked to a table close to where the queue was supposed to be.

There was nobody at the register so we would just have to wait. I sat down and Nick did the same. My eyes were scanning around, looking at the details of the building. It was very cosy and welcoming, and radiated a friendly warmth almost like a hug.

I was so focused I hadn't even noticed a worker coming up to us until Nick nudged me. My head turned to look at my friend, "What?"

He pointed to the left of us and there was a short boy standing there. He had a maid dress, of course. His brown hair was softly hugging his forehead. Our eyes met for a second then he looked away and fiddled with the menu he was holding. I admired his beauty for a while.

His skin was pale and looked fragile, and those brown orbs were pulling me in deeper and deeper the longer I looked. He started talking to us both but I wasn't really listening, instead my gaze moved down to his lips.

They looked soft. I wonder what it would be like kissing him. Nick started poking my shoulder and I snapped out of my thoughts, realising I'd been staring at the boy for a while. I looked away, a slight blush creeping up my neck.

"S-sorry. I didn't mean to stare at you." I fiddled with the sleeves of my hoodie, and I could feel Nick's intense stare, he was definitely going to tease me about this.

"It's okay." His voice was calming and soft. He had a really cool accent which obviously wasn't from here. It made me wish he would say more. I looked up to see him smiling at me, so I smiled back. He had a blush forming on his cheeks which was really cute. I looked down at the menu he had put on the table to avoid staring at him again.

"Ring the service bell by the register when you're ready to order." And with that, he walked back to wherever he came from. I watched him walking away. His dress was fitted tightly around his waist, and the skirts length was pretty short. The dress was accompanied by some knee high socks. I never thought I'd be going to a maid café and seeing a cute boy in a maid dress, but I wasn't complaining.

Once he was back behind the counter I could see him cleaning the coffee machines. There weren't any other workers from what I could tell, but I guess this place didn't really need them. My head was resting on my hand, and my elbow on the table. For some reason I couldn't take my eyes off him.

My eyes were tracing his entire face and body, up and down. He began turning around and I quickly looked away, getting back to my menu. Nick kicked me under the table which made me shoot an angry glare at him.

He wiggled his eyebrows and pointed at the small boy by the coffee machines.


"Clay has a crush on maid boy." He spoke quietly enough so that only I could hear him.

"No." I dug my face into my hands and felt me cheeks heating up a bit. He just laughed at me a bit. After a few long seconds of embarrassment I took my hands away and actually read what was on the menu. They had many tea options which looked nice.

"I want a medium coffee and a slice of chocolate cake, you go order." Of course Nick would say that. He knew that I was going to end up stuttering and embarrassing myself.

I sighed then stood up and slowly walked towards the cash register. The service bell was next to the register, but I didn't need to ring it as the boy had seen my getting up and was already walking over here.

My eyes were glued to him as he walked over. It was unbelievable how someone could be so perfect.

"What would you like?"

I looked down at the counter to reduce my nerves. It wasn't often that I spoke to strangers, and especially not strangers this attractive. "One medium coffee, a.. um, slice of chocolate cake and a small green tea."

I heard the buttons click as he added my order to the till. My head moved up to look at him again.

"Anything else?" He looked at me with a smile, so I gave a slight smile back.

"N-no thanks." It was definitely obvious how nervous I was. I paid for our order and went to sit back down at the table to wait.

I Fell in Love with a Boy in a Maid Dress - DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now