Anything to make you happy

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I turn off the oven and take out the tray using an oven glove, closing it after. George runs to the tap and turns on the cold water, shoving his hand under it.

"George, you need to be more careful..." I walk beside him and slide my hand under his, holding it under the water.

"I forgot that it would be hot... I was just focused on them not burning." He frowns and looks down at our linked hands.

"Keep it under the water, I'll get a bandage for you." He nods and watches me open a few cupboards until I find what I need.

"It's hurting quite a bit." He takes his hand out of the water once I'm back by his side. I take a clean towel and take his hand in mine, drying it gently.

"I'll try to not hurt you." I can feel his muscles tensing when I dry his hand. I carefully wrap the bandage around his finger tips, making sure it isn't tight.

"There. It'll hurt for a bit." He nods and fiddles with the bandage. One of them comes loose and almost slips off, so I fix it. "Try not to touch it, okay?" He finally looks up to meet my eyes and smiles slightly.

"Thanks." I take his non-injured hand and guide him to the kitchen island, where the tray of cupcakes is. They're much cooler now, so I take out the ones which aren't burnt.

I get the icing which George had made earlier. "Should I do the icing part?" I don't want him getting more hurt. "I'm not too great but I can try." He smiles and explains to me how to do it.

A good half hour later, the cupcakes are finally finished. There's quite a bit of icing on the counter so I clean that up and put the cupcakes on a plate. George helps me clean the kitchen quickly.

"Well, let's see how good your baking is George." He giggles and moves close to me, our arms brushing against each other. I take a cupcake from the edge and raise it up to my mouth.

He stares at me expectantly while I eat it. A smile spreads across my face and his expression reflects mine. "They're really good. These are probably the best cupcakes I've ever had." He rolls his eyes and picks one up too.

"You're just saying that to be nice."

"No, I mean it." He eats a cupcake too and we talk while eating a few more. I put the rest in the fridge for another time. The clock on the wall shows that's it 3:40AM already.

"We should probably get to sleep soon." George turns around to look at the clock once I say that then turns back and nods.

We switch off the lights and I check that the doors are all locked and windows are closed. George stays close to me as we walk upstairs. We stop at his bedroom door, which is closer down the hall than mine is.

George turns to face me and tilts his head up to look into my eyes. His voice is small and nervous, "Can you stay with me?"

I don't reply, but simply take his hand and walk into the room with him. George's bed is slightly smaller than mine, so we'll be pretty close together. The thought makes me smile.

I lift the bedsheets up and slide in, George following. My head hits the pillow and I stare up at the ceiling for no reason in particular.

George shifts around beside me and I turn my head to see him looking at me. I don't know why but I feel the sudden need to shower him with compliments. "You're really pretty, George." He breaks the eye contact, looking anywhere that isn't me.

"T-thanks..." I wrap my arm around him and pull him towards me. His head is resting on my chest, and his hands are gently clinging to my waist.

"You mean so much to me, George. I've only know you for a week and we've already made so many good memories... I can't wait to see what the future brings us." And what I hoped was that the future would bring me much closer to George. Closer than we are now. I love him. And eventually, I'll tell him.

I hear sniffling and look down to see George with a smile on his face, and tears slowly running down his cheeks. "Are you okay, George?"

"Yeah... Your words just make me really happy, thank you." I lift my hand to his face and cup his cheek gently.

"I mean everything I say, George." He wipes his tears quickly and his eyes slowly close. I watch his chest rise and fall as he peacefully breathes. His snores soon fill the once-quiet room, shortly followed by mine.



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