Some day this will work out

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His eyes display several emotions of happiness and surprise. His precious lips curve up into a charming smile. I hear him exhale in relief, I guess he's glad.

He reaches his hand to the mouse, muting the microphone, then turning back to me. "Clay..." He looks into my eyes, staring down my soul. I can feel my individual bones shivering in my body.

"Yes?" His hands grip mine tighter, making it feel like they'll drop off from the loss of blood flowing into my fingers.

"Do you want an answer?" He picks at his nails nervously, trying his best to maintain eyecontact.

"Well, yeah, obviously."

He starts leaning in towards me, and his farmiliar scent overwhelms me, the softness of those lips that I remember all too well. We both smile into the kiss, holding each other tightly, as if letting go wasn't an option anymore.

After a few seconds, I remember that we are in fact live, with quite a lot of people watching. I pull away from him, then wrap my arms around him in a warm hug. He shuffles into my lap and rests his head against my chest.

I unmute the microphone and smile into the camera. "So... those were the announcements." The chat is flying past faster than it ever has before. There's many supportive messages, but I also can't help noticing that there are some which aren't quite as supportive. I sigh and look away from the chat.

"Thank you for all of the supportive messages." George nods in agreement with my statement and we sit talking to the viewers for a few minutes.

A donation pops up asking a question, and I read it out, "Where is your dog..? Oh, I can go and get him. Entertainment the stream, George."

George slides off me, moving closer to the camera. I stand up and walk out of the room, heading downstairs.

"Dog?" I call out his name, and quickly hear small footsteps coming towards me. He waddles out if the livingroom and towards me. "Hey." I kneel down, picking up the small creature. "Let's go upstairs."

Once I'm back, George is laughing at something. He doesn't notice me walking in, too busy being consumed by laughter, so I choose to sneak up on him and scare him.

"GEORGE!" I shout into his hear, making him jump and fall from the chair, landing in the floor.

"Ow..." I lower Dog onto the chair, then kneel down to help George.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to get hurt." I help him stand up and he laughs quietly. I sit back down, with Dog curling up to my chest. George sits down in his own chair since there isn't enough space for him closer to me.

"That's the second time you've caused me an injury in one stream." George giggles beside me and leans back in his chair, lifting his feet off the ground so he's sitting cross-legged.

"I'm sorry, George, I didn't mean to." My voice is laced with genuine guilt, as I feel bad for hurting him accidentally.

"It's okay, Clay. I'm over it already. Is as just joking." He snakes his hand towards me, tangling his short fingers with my much longer ones.

I smile at him and decide it's time to end the stream. Dog hops off me and the taps of her claws on the wooden floor fades off into the hallway. I still had a few things to discuss with George. I read a few more donations, then say goodbye to all of the viewers and thank them for watching and supporting.

"That went well." George says as he stands up, pulling me up as well. He steps over to the bed, falling backwards on it. I sit down next to where he's laying, looking down at his relaxed expression. His eyes are closed and a small smile is present on his lips.

"It did go really well. Thank you for doing that with me." I fall onto my back, shuffling closer to George's side.

"I love you, Clay." He wraps his arm around my torso, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck. My hand moves up to meet his fluffy hair.

"I love you too, George. I also have a question for you..." He smiles and tilts his head up a bit to look at me, probably knowing what I'm going to ask.

He hums to shows he's listening and I stare at the ceiling to feel less nervous. "Can I call you my boyfriend?"

"Hm... Only if I can call you my boyfriend too!" We laugh at his statement together, I can feel the vibrations of his voice in my skin.

"Well that's settled then." It's difficult to wipe the grin off my face, so I let my bright emotions show.

"Yeah..." He holds me tighter and I watch his chest rising and falling slowly and peacefully. His eyes are closed and it's easy to tell that he's tired, even though we only woke up a few hours ago.

His sleepy state is interrupted by his phone ringing. He takes it out. I look at the contact, and so does George. His face and mood drops as soon as he reads the contact.

"It's okay, George, only answer it if you want to. I'm with you and you're safe." We sit up and I hold him really close to me. I can feel the nerves radiating off him, and his finger shakily hovers over the answer call button.

He answers it and puts it close to our faces, so I can hear too. "Hey, Dad."

I Fell in Love with a Boy in a Maid Dress - DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now