But why can't we be more

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"George, stop!"

We'd been unpacking George's stuff for a good two hours, and now George is trying to tickle me. We're seated on the floor with two unpacked bags on either side of us.

"No. It's funny." He laughs and carries on tickling me. I fall onto my back and George lands on top of me. His hand goes up to tickle me again but I grab his wrist tightly. He tries to wriggle out of my grasp but I just hold tighter .

"George." My voice is low and he stops trying to win the pointless battle of strength. His body stills and he looks down at me, our eyes locking intensely.

"Yes?" My eyes dart between his. My forehead is slightly tickled by his hair, our faces a very small distance apart.

"No more. We need to get back to work." It almost feels like he's leaning closer, but I'm probably just imagining it.

"You can't stop me." He tries to get my arm off him but fails as I flip us over, his back against the floor and my body right above his.

"I just did." I smirk and his body relaxes. He looks up at me with a shocked expression, his lips slightly parted. It takes everything in me to not lean down and kiss him right there.

It's like time is frozen in place, neither of us make a single attempt to move out of the position we're in. Much to my liking, though.

"You're really pretty, George." I watch as the blush on his face starts to increase. He doesn't say anything but I can tell that he's just nervous because of the situation we're in.

"Especially your smile, that's the prettiest." His eyes are scanning my face, and land on my lips. I notice my heart beats picking up a bit, and the warm feeling my heart growing.

Our lips are so close together that I can feel his hot breaths against my skin. I stop myself from going any further, and move myself up a bit, leaving a gently kiss on his forehead.

I sit up and pull George up with me. He's smiling like an idiot, and so am I. Just the slightest touch makes us both happier than ever. This only increases how much I'm dying to kiss him.

"Let's finish unpacking." He nods and then proceeds to move the rest of his clothes into drawers and his closet. I get up and head to the desk, setting up his computer. I bring in some spare things I have like a microphone and second monitor for him. I can't wait for George to start streaming too.

We both finish our seperate tasks at the same time. "How are you feeling?" I ask George as I sit next to him on his bed, which has blue sheets. I'd recently learnt that blue is George's favourite colour, being one of the few colours he can actually see.

"It's a change that I'm still getting used to... But I'm happy to be here instead of with my parents." I'm incredibly overjoyed that he's in a better, safer place now. And I'm also glad I can provide that place for him.

"I'm so happy that you're here, with me. I want to make this place feel like home to you." My words hold so much meaning and emotion, and I'm hoping he can see that.

He moves closer and hugs me tightly, and mumbles into my chest. "It already feels like home."

My phone rings, interrupting the moment. I take it out of my pocket, with George still cuddled up to my chest.

I answer the video call request. "Hey, Nick."

"Clay! You're going to the party tomorrow, right?" Great... Just as I'd managed to take my mind off the one thing that I was most nervous about...

"Are you going, George?" He tilts his head up from where he'd pressed up against my chest.

"I'm going if you're going." He smiles and giggles quietly.

"Well, looks like we're going then." I look back to the phone and see Nick smiling at us. He's probably figured out how much George means to me by now.

"Oh yeah, George is living with me now. He moved in last night." George moves onto my lap so he can be seen in the camera. He waves at Nick happily.

"Looks like you'll be getting a lot of noise complaints from the neighbors. Might want to soundproof the bedroom walls." Mine and George's faces both display a bright blush, and I try to look angry at Nick but just end up laughing.

George laughs with me and Nick raises an eyebrow. "Yeah, I'm with the shippers on this one." He mumbles through the phone. I push away his comment.

"Well, we'll see you tomorrow then, Nick." My finger hovers over the end call button but Nick speaks up again.

"Wait- can you come to the party a few hours early?"

"You want us to clean the house for you? I don't think so." George crosses his arms confidently as he says that, sending Nick an evil glare through the phone screen.

"Well... Could you please help me set up the party?"

"I guess we can't decline since you asked so nicely!" George smiles at the phone. He's so adorable. I wish I could cuddle with him in bed all day, without worrying about the outside world. My eyes are focused on him instead of the phone.

"Thanks. I'll see you guys tomorrow then. Bye!" He waves and ends the call. George turns around, and I notice the position we're in. George is practically straddling me. He seems to notice to, and make a move to get up but I place my hand on his waist to reassure him that it's okay.

I often find myself in these beautiful moments, with my best friend, who I wish was my boyfriend.


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