Back here again

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My eyes fluttered open. I didn't want to leave the warmth of my bed, but I would have to eventually.

The clothes I had one were the ones from yesterday, so I took them off then walked into the bathroom for a quick shower. Once the water was warmed up, I stepped in, shutting the shower door behind me. The droplets of water tickled my skin, and made my hair stick to my forehead.

I quickly finished showering and got out to dry myself. The bathroom had a thick layer of steam lingering in the air, so I opened the small window to let it out. I wiped down the mirror as I couldn't even see my own reflection, then threw the towel over my hair and ruffled it a bit.

My cat was curled up on my bed, sleeping peacefully. I was quiet, to avoid disturbing her, walking to my closet.

I groaned, shuffling through all the clothes I had but never wore. It was a pain having to pick out what to wear, I had no taste in fashion and often just wore the same jeans and my own merch hoodies.

After contimplating for five minutes, I sighed and grabbed some jeans and, surprise, surprise, a green merch hoodie. I slipped the clothes on then headed out of my room. It was already midday.

My keys were on the kitchen counter, seeing them made me remember my plans for today. Another trip to the Maid Café to see George. I smiled at the though of seeing him, with his adorable dress, once again.

I gave Patches her breakfast then headed out of the front door, closing it behind me, then turning the key in the lock until I heard the click.

I walked cheerfully to my car, the stones beneath my feet crunching and sinking a bit when I stood on them. It was rarely that I actually drove somewhere in my car, considering that I hardly ever left my house. But this was worth leaving my state of hibernation for.

I slowly drove the car out of the driveway then onto the road, following the same directions we'd gone yesterday. Today I managed to park on the same street as the café. I parked and sat in my seat for a while. My nerves were starting to get all shaky. There were many people walking down the street. I could see that there were a lot of people inside the café, which I really didn't like the look of.

If Nick was with me then I wouldn't be as nervous, but having to approach such a large group of people all on my own terrified me. I was about to reverse out of my parking spot when I saw him. George, the same dress from yesterday. He was taking orders at the till.

It wasn't surprising there were many people there now, considering it was around lunchtime. I ended up sitting in my car for half an hour waiting for the place to clear out a bit. I was so deep on thought I hadn't even realized that the last customer had just excited the door.

I eventually got out of my car, locking it, then walking up to the café. My eyes darted across the sign once again then I opened the door. The bell rang and I was instantly met with George's eyes.

I didn't want to admit it but I was definitely happy to see him. And it looked like he was happy too. I walked up to the till where George was. Like yesterday, he was the only worker.

"H-hey, Clay." It was cute how he stuttered out of nervousness. I smiled at him and responded back.

"Hey, George."

"You're back again?" He tilted his head curiously.

"Yes, I wanted to see you again-" His eyes widened and a blush was now present on his cheeks.

My face also warmed as I realized what I said. "W-wait.. I didn't mean to say that out loud." I scratched the back of my neck and awkwardly looked away.

"Don't worry, I wanted to see you again too. I'm glad you stopped by." I looked back at him to see that he was smiling at me, so I smiled back.

"Are you the only worker here?" I was surprised that I was managing to start a conversation without becoming a muddled bundle of nerves.

"Oh, yeah. I own this café, nobody else works here." He told me proudly.

"That's amazing. Y'know... That you're able to run a café all by yourself."

"It can get a bit crazy at times, especially during lunch." He giggled which made me smile again. A fuzzy feeling filled my stomach, like thousands of little butterflies flying around. The small boy was having a crazy effect on me.

"Speaking of lunch, what would you like to order?"

"Oh, um-" I looked around in a bit of a panic. I hadn't thought this far ahead.

He giggled then looked down at the cash register, fiddling with some of the buttons. "You didn't think this far ahead, did you?"

"How did you know?" I laughed along, admiring the brightness in his eyes. It was like the stars you see in the night sky, but on a person. It was difficult to look away from him once we made eye contact.

"I don't know I just had a feeling, I guess." He shrugged then his hands went behind his back and he tightened the ribbon around his waist. I hadn't even realized that I was staring at his waist until he coughed and I looked up to meet his eyes.

My face reddened again. "S-sorry." Despite my embarassment a small smile crept across my face. I looked away to the side. George was still looking at me, which didn't make my embarassed state any better.

"You know, I thought maybe in that half hour you spent sitting in your car you would've chosen what you were ordering." He smirked when my eyes met his again.

I hid my face in my sleeves. I was incredibly embarassed and it felt like the walls around me were crushing me alive. George was still looking at me and I turned around to avoid his gaze. I started shaking a bit, I wasn't used to being in situations like this.

There was silence followed by some shuffling, then I felt a pair of arms softly wrap around me.

I Fell in Love with a Boy in a Maid Dress - DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now