A walk with you by my side

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"That isn't how you do it." I picked up the Lego pieces on the table, and folded the instructions out better. Me and George were trying to assemble a Lego set that Nick had left with us.

"Yes it is!" George tried to snatch the piece he needed back but I held it up high where he couldn't reach.

"No, there's instructions in the manual, idiot." I point at it, comparing the piece in my hand to the one in the diagram.

"The manual is wrong! It doesn't work."

"That's cause you're not doing it correctly." George glared at me angrily, convinced that he was correct.

"Yeah I am. I'm doing what the manual says." He picks up a yellow piece, pointing to one of a different colour on the diagram.

"No you're not." I sit back down next to him at the table, taking the piece in my hand. "This is yellow, George. The piece in the manual is green." His eyes widen in realization, and he frowns slightly.

"Sorry." He looks through the other pieces, trying to find the right one. "This is the one."

"Yeah, that's green. You don't have to apologize, you didn't know." The smile returns to his face, and he nods energetically.

We spend the next ten minutes trying to get through the first page. I get frustrated, and lean back in my chair with a loud sigh.

"I give up with this." George turns his head to look at me, holding the few pieces we've managed to assemble.

"Yeah, me too. This is stressful." We both laugh and pack away everything. I guess Nick should have thought before he gave something so complicated to two people who share a single braincell between them.

"Do you wanna go for a walk? We can take Dog." He asks me once everything is cleaned up. I look out of the window, taking note that it is already pretty late.

"It's pretty late, George."

"Please." He looks up at me with sparkling eyes. Of course I can't turn him down, it's difficult to when he's so adorable.

"Okay. We can go. But you have to stick right by me at all times. I don't want you to get lost in the dark." He smiles widely and brightly.

"Okay!" I watch him skip down the hall, going upstairs. I get my shoes on, and a thin coat since it isn't that cold. Moments later, George hops down the stairs happily, and dressed warmly.

"You look nice, George." He blushed slightly, fiddling with the zipper of his coat. I call for Dog, getting his leash ready.

"Thanks." It's interesting seeing George in something that isn't a skirt. His jeans tightly hug his body, emphasising the right areas. He notices me staring, and coughs nervously.

"Sorry. It's difficult to take my eyes off you, George." He rolls his eyes and I see Dog coming over. He waddles over to me, and soon we're all ready to leave. George flicks off the light, and locks the door behind us, throwing the keys into his coat pocket.

"Where did you want to go, George?" I watch him, the moonlight perfectly illuminating his face. It casts beautiful shadows, and makes his pale skin glow unnaturally. He truly looks angelic, and out of this world.

"How about the park? It's not too far." I nod, and take his small hand into mine. We walk silently to the park, since it's pretty late and we didn't want to disturb anyone.

The park is dark, with only a few lights down the path. Our footsteps fill the comfortable silence between us, and Dog occasionally stops to sniff something.

"I've never actually been out this late." He leans a bit closer to me, our shoulders brushing together. I turn my head so I can look at him. He stares back at me, with a look of confidence and joy that I love seeing on him.

"Why haven't you?"

"I don't know, it's just scary. You never know what might happen." I have flashbacks from how I found George at the party that night... And all the things he told me about... Him. The one person that made my want to become a murderer.

"Are you scared now?" I squeeze his hand gently, and we stop walking as Dog is looking at something again.

"No, cause I know I'm safe with you." Even in the cold, my face heats up to an unbearable level. My heart is melting like ice-cream in the summer heat. Like a crayon over a flame, or butter on a pan.

"Yeah, you're safe with me, George." We smile at each other warmly. I move closer to his face, my eyes gazing at his perfect lips.

My actions are interrupted by Dog pulling the leash harshly. He starts dragging me down the path and George giggles, running to keep up with us.

"Dog, you ruined a perfect moment." I look at Dog, who is clueless and has no idea what he did. We keep strolling through the park, enjoying the loneliness of the cold night.

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