It's like my eyes are glued to you

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Nick coughed and George quickly moved and sat up, fiddling with his dress nervously. I couldn't take my eyes off him. He probably already realized that I was staring at him, but I didn't care.

"Did you tell George about the party?"

This idiot.

"What party?" George turned to face Nick curiously. I wanted to punch Nick right now. Out of all the things he could've spoken about, he had to bring up the topic I dreaded the most right now.

"On Saturday I'm throwing a party at my house, and you're invited."

"Uh, I've never really been to a party before." He chuckled awkwardly and looked at me for a second. I gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze and he smile then turned back to face Nick.

"Then this can be your first party!" Nick excitedly smiled, and threw up a thumbsup with both hands. We made eye contact and I was basically stabbing him with the intensity of my glare.

The small boy turned to face me. His cheeks were still a bit pink from the previous incident, and I thought it was a pretty cute sight. "Clay, are you going?"

"Um, I don't think so. Probably not." A small look of disapointment flashed in George's eyes, and I instantly felt bad. "But I'll go if you want to go." His eyes brightened again and he smiled at me softly.

"Okay." His smile was beautiful. My eyes slowly traced his face, stopping at his lips. I would've probably kissed him if Nick wasn't there. I stopped myself and looked back up to meet his eyes, his face had reddened again.

Nick stood up and I leaned back, noticing that I had self consiously moved my body closer to Georges.

"Come down to my house on Saturday then. I'll text you the details. Clay, make sure George has my phone number." I nodded and he turned to head for the hallway. Me and George stayed seated on the couch.

I shouted bye to Nick and then we heard the front door open and shut, then the distant sound of footsteps on the stone driveway.

George was looking at me when I turned my head to face him again. It caught me by surprise, but I didn't look away. Our faces were close together, and I could feel his breath on my lips. My hand moved up to his jaw and I tilted his chin up a bit.

I looked down at his lips, then back up at his eyes. We got closer, our faces only a few centimeters apart.

The sound of the front door opening startled me. We quickly pulled apart, both of our faces bright red.

"Sorry, I left my car keys on the coffee table." He walked over and grabbed the keys. Although, it seems like he left them there on purpose just to annoy us...

He noticed our flushed faces and looked between us a few times. "Did I interrupt something...?"

"No, no, not at all!" I gave him an angry glare. I could tell he was holding in a laugh. He left as quickly as he entered, shutting the door loudly behind him.

I turned back to George. "So what do you wanna do?" My face was still a bit warm while I said that. He smiled and shrugged lightly.

"I don't know, you choose." I tried to think of something we could do, but it was difficult considering there wasn't much to do in my house. To be truthful, I didn't know what George liked other than Minecraft. It was 6PM right now, and the sun was already set.

George starts giggling next to me, making me wonder what happened. I glance over at him, raising one eyebrow, and he just laughs even more.

"What's funny?" I start to laugh a bit too. He finally calms down and looks at me with a smirk.

"You should out on a maid dress." My eyes widen slightly in surprise. Oh no...

I tried to think of some excuses to avoid wearing a dress. I would definitely embarass myself. "Um, I don't have a maid dress." My eyes awkwardly darted around the room, trying to look at everything but George's eyes, which were currently intensely fixated on me.

"You can try my one." I turned my head to face him. He had an incredibly mischievous look on his pretty face. It was kind of hot.

"Um, I don't think it's going to be the right si-"

"It's okay!" He got up and grabbed my arm lightly, dragging me behind him. It was funny how he was leading me around my own house. Eventually he managed to find the room which was mine.

I sat down on my bed and when I looked back up George was removing the dress. My hands quickly fly up to cover my eyes "U-um..." He giggles and walks up to me, grabbing my hands and pulling them away from my eyes.

"It's okay, you can look." He was standing there in only his boxers. The blush on his cheeks was evident. My eyes scanned every centimeter of his ghosty skin. It was beautiful. My lips were parted in amazement.

I stood up and walked over to my closet, grabbing a large hoodie. "Lift your arms up." He does as I say and I pull the hoodie over his arms and head. The hoodie falls loosely over him.

I look at him and he giggles, pulling the hood up over his head. I grab the maid dress and look at it for a moment. "U-um... Could you turn around." George nods and turns his body so he's facing away from me. I'm glad he understood my boundaries.

I start putting the dress over my head. I only took off the hoodie I had on though, leaving my t-shirt and jeans on.

Just as I'd expected, the dress wouldn't go past my shoulders. "Um... George..."

"Yes?" He turns his body to face me and immediatly starts laughing. "Well that failed..." He said between laughs.

I shook my head playfully and chuckled at his reaction. A sigh of relief escaped my mouth, and I took off the dress. George looked adorable in my hoodie...

"Don't worry Clay, tomorrow we'll go out and buy one in your size." He starts laughing again, practically falling onto the floor.


I Fell in Love with a Boy in a Maid Dress - DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now