We'll get through this

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I get out a towel for George and turn off the tap, the bubbles almost overflowing from the bathtub. "George the bath is ready." My voice is loud so he can hear from downstairs, but he immediately appears by the door. I could tell that he was crying again.

"Are you feeling a bit better?" He nods and walks towards the bath. His hand gently grazes the water to check the temperature.

"I'll be down the hall if you need anything, okay?" I turn my body to face the door and take a step, but I feel a light tug on my shirt.

"Can you stay here?" My face is quick to flush a bright shade of red. But I nod and stay there with him. He starts undressing and I try my best to look away, but it doesn't work.

"Do you want me to, uh, turn around?"

"You've seen me already. In the mirror." He giggles and carries on undressing. My face heats up even more as the memory flashes through my mind. But I still find a smile growing across my face, seeing George finally laugh.

When I look back up, George is in the bath, with his back facing me. I stand up from where I was seated on the cold tiles and walk up behind him, placing my hands on his exposed shoulders.

A quiet gasp escapes his lips and his face turns to face me. He fake pouts and I giggle at the sight. I reach for the shampoo bottle but accidentally knock it into the water. "Sorry." George passes it to me and I shoot him a grateful smile.

The bottle opens with a pop and I pour some shampoo onto George's hair, massaging it slowly. He hums happily and moves his head into my touch comfortably.

"Are you sleepy George?"

"Not really, why?" I rinse the shampoo out of his hair and give him the body wash so he can do that himself.

"Do you want to make cupcakes after this?" I smile expectantly, hoping he'll agree. I'm not the best at baking, but it's still worth a try. Especially if it'll help get George's mind off things.

"It's one in the morning-"

"So? That won't stop us." He laughs and light ripples move across the water.

"Sure, we can make cupcakes." I do a little victory cheer which makes George's adorable laughter fill the room again.

"I'll being you some clothes, finish washing yourself and I'll be back." He nods then opens the bottle of body wash and I head out of the room.

A few of George's past outfits flash into my mind, the maid dress being the main one. But I shrug that off and decide to get him something comfortable. For some reason George's closet is mainly skirts and dresses, so I get him some of my clothes. A pair of sweatpants and one of my merch hoodies. A smile creeps across my face at the thought of how adorable he'll look in it.

Once I'm back in the bathroom, George looks at me and smiles. "Towel."

"Ask nicely." I joke and he rolls his eyes. He pulls out the plug, draining the bath, then stands up and out of the tub. A small pool of water forms on the floor and I grab the towel, wrapping George in it tightly. He giggles and I smile.

My first thought it how adorable he looks, as usual. Before I can stop myself, I lean closer to George and gently leave a quick kiss on his forehead. His cheeks turn a light shade of pink, then once I realize what I did, mine do too.

"Sorry..." My head turns to the side, as I admire the tiles on the floor. Nice tiles.

"It's okay, Clay." I turn back and he places a kiss on my cheek, not quite being able to reach any higher. We both stand there smiling like we've never smiled before.

George shivers a bit and I take the towel up to dry his hair a bit. The entire time, our eyes are glued to each other. I wish moments like these could happen every day. Just me and George. Maybe sometime, far into the future, I'll finally he able to call him my boyfriend. But right now he doesn't even know that I like him.

Once I'm done, George dries his body and when he turns around, I tickle him.

"Clay! Don't start- This-" His sentence is interrupted by laughs. I take my hands away from his body and pull the t-shirt over his head.

"This is way too big for me." He looks in the mirror and grins brightly at me. It's like a dress on him, but he still manages to look great.

"It looks fine. Put these on so you don't get cold." I hand him the rest of the clothes and he quickly slips them all on. "Ready?"

"Yeah." We head out of the room and down the stairs, walking into the kitchen. I look through the fridge and cupboards, getting all the ingredients we need.

"Have you ever made cupcakes before?" George asks me. He leans his elbows onto the counter and raises an eyebrow while gazing at me.


He sighs and starts preparing the cupcake mix. I admire how smooth his actions are. "Do you bake things often?"

"Yes, I do. I enjoy it." He smiles and starts mixing things in the bowl. I watch happily.

"Hey, George?" I scoop up some flour and smirk when George looks up at me.

"No..." He tries to run away but he's too late, as I send the pile of flour straight into his face.


sorry if I wrote flour wrong anywhere I kept writing is as flower and idk if I corrected all of them

I Fell in Love with a Boy in a Maid Dress - DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now