The days are passing slowly

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I walk into George's room with some food I'd ordered for both of us. We'd already unpacked all of the shopping and set up everything for the puppy. Speaking of the puppy, he was currently asleep and cuddled up to George, who was laying in bed, his back against the headboard.

"I'm jealous now." I tell him as I put down the food. He takes his share and we begin eating.

He swallows the food he was chewing and looks at me. "Why are you jealous?" His lips curve into a slight smile. I try to control the blush that is creeping up my neck, but fail as usual.

"The dog is getting all the cuddles..."

"Aw, did you want to cuddle too, Clay?" George uses an adorable baby voice and I turn away in a flustered state.

"Maybe." I mutter quietly, but he still manages to hear what I say. I take a large bite of my food and focus on eating to distract me.

We don't talk for a few minutes while we both eat. Once I'm done, I get up and throw the packaging into the bin then come back and seat myself on the bed.

George looks over me with one eyebrow raised slightly. I turn my head to face him. "What?" I ask him but he doesn't respond.

The puppy moves around a bit and it's eyes open. George smiles once they make eye contact, then watches the small creature walk to its own bed.

"Clay..." He shuffles closer to me and grins brightly.


"Now we can cuddle!" He screams right into my ear, almost deafening me. Before I can stop him, he launches himself at me, his arms tightly wrapping around my torso. He leans his head against my chest. I lift my arms and let them rest on his small back.

George yawns and closes his eyes. I reach my hand up to cup his cheek, and he moves his head away from it. "Your hand is so cold..." I laugh and take my other hand off his back, then slip them under his shirt and grab him tightly, earning a gasp from him.

"Wait, no! You're cold." He laughs with me and I take my hands away.

"Your hands are always warm, let me hold them." I try to reach for his hands put he slips them under my back so I can't reach them. "My hands aren't even that cold, come on."

He giggles quietly and slithers his arms out from under me. Our hands connect together and I'm quick to tangle my finegrs with his.

"Yeah, they're still cold." I roll my eyes and rub his pale skin with my thumb. I admire his features. Those beautiful lips, that I so much wish to kiss. And the blank canvas that is his skin. I'd be sure to make it lack in that blankness.

George is staring at me intensely. It makes me nervous and I look away a bit, but he doesn't stop. "Is there something on my face?" I feel my cheeks once again heating up.

"No, it's just difficult to not look at you. You're like a magnet." I bring back the eyecontact and stare into his pretty eyes. I tighten the hold I have on his hands and I can feel him tensing under the pressure.

"So you think I'm attractive?" I smirk and watch how he stutters out a shaky reply.

"No- wait, I mean y-yes. But not in a weird way, just, uh... Um... Yeah." He nervously looks at different points of the headboard behind me. I untangle one hand and lift his chin up so he has to look at me.

Once our eyes connect, I lower my voice to a whisper. "It's okay, George, I think you're attractive too." His face quickly flushes and meets the same shade of embarassed as mine.

A few moments later the corners of his mouth turn upwards into a shy smile. "Your eyes are really pretty. I can't see the true colour of them, but they're still beautiful."

"Thank you, George." I lower my hand and he lays his head on my shoulder. My chin presses into his hair, slightly tickling me. I hear him yawn again and his body relax a bit.

"George, don't go to sleep. It's only 6PM and if you sleep now you'll mess up your sleeping schedule." He sighs and his eyes flutter open again. I've only just noticed how pretty his eyelashes are.

"I'll fall asleep if we stay like this though." He sighs and cuddles closer to me, but I stop him by sitting up. He stays clinging to me tightly.

"George, let's find something to do, yeah?" He nods and we get up. We head out of the room, and soon small footprints echo behind us. I turn to see the puppy had woken up. "We still need a name for him."

George turns also and kneels, picking up the small furry creature. "Dog."

"Yeah, it's a dog." I reach my hand and gently pet the dog that's in George's arms. It's fur is almost as soft as George's hair.

"No, that can be the name." He smiles at me with an innocent stare.

"What?" I thought he would be more creative than that... Maybe letting him choose the name wasn't the best decision I've ever made.

"It's a great name." He says while looking at me. Although it's a stupid name for a dog, I let George have his way. It was sort of adorable how basic of a choice he'd made. I'm sure I'll end up loving the name, only because George was the one who chose it.


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