We're clearly perfect for eachother

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My eyelids slowly fluttered open, and I could feel something warm clinging to me. The sunlight was flooding my room, and I tried to sit up but couldn't.

My head tilts down and I see George basically on top of me. He's still sleeping peacefully, so I stay how I am to avoid waking him up. My eyes lock on the ceiling.

If only this could happen everyday... Waking up with George in my arms. That would be nice. Yeah.

I feel some movement and see that George is slowly waking up. His eyes open and ye yawns, then looks up at me. "Morning, George."

"Good morning..." His voice is tired and quiet, and once again I find myself admiring him. How can I not?

He notices how we're positioned and moves off of me carefully. "Sorry."

"It's okay. You don't have to move." I quickly snake my arm around his waist and pull him back towards me. Part of me wanted to tell him how I felt already... But I had to wait. It was too soon, and I wasn't even fully sure that he liked me the way I liked him...

I notice the grin forming on his lips when he lays close to me. "When do you want to move in, George?"

"Well, I'll have to let me parents know, and they'll probably want to meet you first." I was hoping his parents would allow him to move in. For a moment I wondered if his parents would accept that I'm gay, but I quickly pushed the thought away. They didn't have to know.

"That's okay, take your time. I'm ready for you whenever." He sits up and pulls my arms so I'm sitting up too. I give him a questioning look and he throws his legs over the edge of the bed, standing up. I get pulled up with him, of course.

"Let's make some breakfast." I nod and we make our way downstairs. I don't even notice that our hands have once again found their way to each other, it feels natural at this point. Like our hands are meant to be together. Like we are meant to be together...

A good hour passes and we finish eating. George did most of the cooking and I tried my best to help, but he was much better than me.

He didn't have work until Monday, which meant we could spend a lot of time together. If he wanted to. "Do you want to be in a stream with me? I want to try using facecam while I'm playing Minecraft." I see his head shoot up from his phone excitedly.

"Yes. I'll get to see you rage in person." He giggles and places his phone down on the kitchen counter.

"Oh? So you like when I get angry? Or aggressive?" I raise on eyebrow and stare down at him. His eyes look innocent, but I know he's hiding his true thoughts. After all, it was only yesterday that he was talking like this to me.

"What if I do?" I smirk and don't respond, then make my way to the stairs. I hear his quiet footsteps following behind me. Once I'm in my room I take off my shirt to change into a different one.

Something cold touches my back and I turn around to see George giggling. "Can't keep your hands off me, huh?" He rolls his eyes and turns around to walk back out of the room but I grab his hand to stop him.

"Looks like you can't keep your hands off me either." He says as he turns to face me. I roll my eyes mockingly like he did and we both start laughing. I finish changing and hear the shower running in my bathroom.

I decide to set up the stream while I wait. I load up Minecraft and everything else, then wait for George to be ready. My bed is messy so I make it look neater, and open the curtains a bit more to let more light in.

I open Twitter to let everyone know I'll be streaming with George. The shower turns off and I hear him calling me from the bathroom.



"Where are the towels?" Ah, right. He forgot to get a towel. (sorry to pull the typical fanfic move 😏)

"Hang on I'll bring you one." I step into the hallway and grab a towel from the storage, then walk back to my room.

"Uh, I'm opening the door." My hands are shaky when I turn the door handle for some reason. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that George is standing naked in the other side of the door. But who knows. Not me.

My hands quickly reaches through the gap between the door and the doorframe, and George takes the towel. He was standing so that I couldn't see him, but I think he forgot that the mirror gave me a perfect view of his exposed body.

"Make sure you pay attention to the mirror next time, George." I shut the door and laugh to myself. But, damn, he looks good...

He steps out of the door wearing the skirt I got him yesterday, and one of my merch t-shirts. Guess he must've raided my closet at some point.

"So, uh, what is it you were saying about the mirror?" He nervously looks at the floor. Oh, George, if only you knew what you did to me...

"Don't worry." I smile and try to forget what I just saw, but the image stays in my brain. George blushes slightly and sits in the chair next to mine. He was playing on my spare laptop while I was on my computer, so we needed seperate chairs this time.

"Did you like it?" I'm about to click start streaming but pause for a moment.

"Like what?"

"Don't act dumb, you saw me in the mirror, idiot." I chuckle quietly at his comment. He can see through me so easily...

"You have a nice body, George." His flustered state only grows and I can't stop staring once again.

I joined the server and saw that Sapnap was playing. An incoming Discord call pops up and I accept it. "Hey Sapnap, I'm about to stream on here." He hums a response lazily. It didn't even sound like a word, just some weird animal noise or something.

"George is with you, right?"

"Yep, I'm here." George responds happily and joins the server as well. He's standing by where he was last time we played.

I smile and start the stream.


gonna do a q&a here so if you want ask something and I'll answer

I Fell in Love with a Boy in a Maid Dress - DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now