You're the first person to know

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My eyes slowly opened, and I yawned quietly. I stretched my arms out above me then sat up in the bed. It was nice waking up at a normal time for once. And also nice to not be woken by Nick spam calling my phone.

I looked down and noticed that I was still wearing the same clothes I had on at the party. A shower sounded nice. I got up and grabbed my towel then heading into the bathroom.

My bathroom had a bath that I'd never actually used; I'm not really a fan of baths to be honest. I prefer quick showers. There was a small window near the ceiling and a large mirror above the counter and sink. I undressed and hopped into the shower, turning on the water. The cold temperate made me shiver but it soon warmed up.

Fifteen minutes later I was out and drying my body. My hair clung to my forehead and tickled my skin. As usual it took me no time at all to pick out what I was wearing. One of my merch hoodies and some black jeans. I brushed my hair a bit, although that only seemed to make it even more messy.

I gave up after attempting to brush it. Just as I was wondering if Nick was dead or something since he hadn't called like he usually does, my phone began to ring. And, of course, it was Nick. I quickly answered.


"Wow you're actually awake for once... That's unexpected."

"Yes, yes I am."

"Make sure you're ready. I'm gonna be at yours in five minutes."


"What do you mean why? Wait. Have you seriously forgotten?"

"What do you mean?"

"The Maid Café, idiot."

Oh, right. I'd forgotten about the forfeit. Well this certainly isn't how I was planning to spend my Sunday morning, but it was too late to back out now, I'd already lost the challenge.

"Oh, yeah. I just remembered."

"I know you rarely leave your house so maybe you'll finally get a girlfriend." Oh yeah, I still hadn't told him.


"What? Why are you saying it like it's a question?"

"I don't want a girlfriend." I was tapping my foot on the floor anxiously. He didn't seem to realize what I meant but I was still scared for his reaction when he did realize.

"Why? You always complain how you're so lonely."

"Yeah, I know."

"Man, you confuse me sometimes." I knew he was a bit dumb most of the time but seriously, how does he not get what I mean?

"Do you not realize what I mean?" A laugh escaped my lips.

"What?" He sounded so confused that it was unreal.

"Nick I'm not straight. Like, I'm gay."

"Oh... That makes sense now!" I could tell that he was definitely surprised. I mean, I'd never spoken about my sexuality before, and I've never been in a relationship either so I don't blame him.

I suddenly got a bit panicky, realising that maybe he would judge me...

"A-are you... Okay with it?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I sighed in relief and smiled to myself. I was proud of myself for finally telling someone.

"Well, I don't know." I was always scared to tell people, considering how my parents reacted when I had hinted at liking boys. I never fully came out to them, but I have a feeling they know.

"I'm proud of you, Clay, for telling me. I know you don't normally talk about personal things often." I could tell he was smiling and he genuinely meant it. It made me happy.

"Thank you. You're the first person I've told." I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror on my wall and noticed how messy my hair still looked. It was always messy, and I hated it.

"Was it scary for you?"

"Yeah a bit... I didn't know how you'd react... But I'm glad I told you now." All my fears had gone away, knowing that Nick fully accepted me.

"I'm glad too. I'm proud of you. Oh yeah I'm outside so I'm hanging up." I could hear his car pulling into my driveway, the wheels crunching on the stones scattered across it.

"I'll be down in a sec." I took the phone away from my ear and ended the call, taking my wallet and heading to the door to put on some shoes.

I grabbed my house keys then stepped out of the door, locking it behind me. The keys rattled as I put them away into the pocket of my hoodie. Nick's car was in the driveway and I walked towards it. He was waving at me through the window so I waved back.

A click filled my ears as he unlocked the doors. I opened the passenger door and sat inside, closing it firmly afterwards. Nick was grinning at my so I turned to face him.

"What?" I laughed out.

"Nothing. I'm just really proud of you."

I smiled back at him, "Thank you, it means a lot."

He nodded and started backing out of the driveway.

"So a Maid Café huh?" He said once we were on the road.

"Yeah... Certainly something new." I tapped my finger on my knee nervously, I'd never been to a café like this before, all I knew is that it had something to do with maid outfits, which was interesting.

And a lot of other new things would soon follow.

I Fell in Love with a Boy in a Maid Dress - DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now