You didn't deserve this

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tw: mentions of abuse, sexual abuse + rape

Half an hour later, George is much calmer. We're laying in his bed, and I'm comfortingly ruffling his hair around. "George, are you ready to talk about what happened? It's okay if you don't want to." I look at him, the pained emotions still visible in his once-bright eyes.

"Don't make fun of me for what happened, please." My eyes widened in shock. That being the first thing he assumed made my guilt increase even more. If I'd never left him back there, then none of this would've happened.

"I won't make fun of you. There's no need for that, George. I would never do something to offend or hurt you, I promise." He nods and I feel his grip on my shirt tightening intensely.

"I'm here, George, you can do this. We can do this." He relaxes a bit and inhales shakily.

"S-so... When I left the bathroom, I tried to find you, but you weren't there." I feel my heart being ripped up into pieces by the guilt that's overwhelming me.

"I'm sorry, I won't do that next time." I stop playing with his hair and lift my hand to gently cup his cheek, moving my thumb across his skin.

"It's okay, it wasn't your fault." He moves closer to me, if that's even possible considering how incredibly close we already are.

I wait for him to carry on talking. "I was looking around but then... J-jacob was there..." Seeing him freeze up at the name made me feel incredibly anger towards whoever Jacob was. If I could murder him, I would do so within a heartbeat.

"How did you know Jacob?"

"Well... He, um, was my ex-boyfriend..." My eyebrows raise slightly. George had never spoken about his sexuality before, but this wasn't the time for that. I nod for him to keep talking.

"He pulled me into some room, and I knew I stood no chance trying to escape his grasp... Our relationship wasn't good at all... He used to get physical-" He lets a shaky sob escape his lips and I wipe away the new tears. My hand finds his hand and he squeezes it tightly once they're connected.

"It's okay, take however long you need." I wait for him to calm down again, helping however I can.

"He used to... Say horrible things to me. At the start it was fine, of course, but I loved him too much to leave once it got worse." Dog was tugging at the bed sheets to be let up, so I parted from George to take her up to us, but quickly went back to holding the frightened boy tightly.

"I finally ended it after he, um... Forced me to have sex with him... Even though I didn't want to." I was fighting back angry tears. I needed to stay strong for George.

"I thought I was safe from him, after I blocked off all contact... He disappeared for a few months, but then he was there- At the party." He takes a moment to let Dog rest between us, stroking her fur.

"He pulled me into the room, and as I said, I stood no chance against him. And then..." He closed his eyes tightly, as if everything was flashing through his mind all over again.

"He pushed me to the bed... And you can probably guess what happened after that." I could tell he was fighting back the tears that were glazing his eyes.

"I won't let anyone do something like that to you again, I promise. I know I said I would protect you, and I was nowhere to be seen, but this time I won't break the promise. Even if it kills me." His lips part slightly from surprise.

"Thank you, Clay. What would I do without you?" He whispers the last part, looking up at me. His eyes finally show some happier emotion now.

We stay cuddled together until George's even snores fill the silence of the room. I admire his feature, something I find myself doing more often than not.

"I love you..." I whisper, and kiss his forehead quickly. "...One day I'll tell you." I stand up, and off the bed.

I exit the room quietly, and head downstairs. My phone is where I left it. I tap a few things and wait patiently.

"So, what happened earlier?" Nick asks once he finally chooses to answer on the third call. My saddened look makes it obvious that it was serious.

"We won't be going to any more parties for a while, and I would appreciate if you didn't bring anything up relating to them either." Nick nods, but doesn't ask any more which I'm grateful for. Even if he asked, I wouldn't tell him. It was George's secret to tell.

"Okay, well, I'm going to sleep now." He tells me, yawning loudly afterwards.

"Okay, goodnight, Nick." He said goodnight as well and we ended the call.

I quickly ran back upstairs. George was still sound asleep, with a small smile on his face. I slip back under the sheets, pulling them over George more. Dog is curled up by his feet, so I'm careful to not disturb her. Sleep hits me almost instantly, and I drift I to peaceful dreams.


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