I'm reckless when it comes to you

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tw: body shaming

After the stream we had a quick snack, and I'm not driving George back to his house. He's giving me directions, although they're not too great as I've already made three wrong turns which resulted in the drive being much longer than it has to be.

"Left here." He points left and looks out of his window happily.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure, my house is on this road." He laughs at how unsure I am of all of his guiding now. Lesson: never take directions from George. You'll get lost.

"Okay." I turn the car left once it's safe to turn, and drive down George's road. He point to a house right at the end and I slow down when I reach it. The car halts as I park it and George looks at me.

"Do you want to come inside? My Mum will be home so I can introduce you." I think for a moment. Hopefully his Mum wouldn't think that I'm weird or anything. I nervously tap on the steering wheel before making my decision.

"Sure." We get out of the car and I lock it, then follow him up the path. The house is slightly bigger than average, with a big driveway and a few cars sitting in it. He gets out his keys and opens the door.

"I'm home." He shouts out. I hear footsteps down the hall and a woman who looks sort of like George appears. She smiles at George and then her eyes look over at me.

"Did you bring a friend, George? That's new." I could hear the slight venom in her voice. George just laughed at her statement but I could tell it was forced.

"This is Clay." I smile and she finally looks away from me. It was easy to tell that their relationship wasn't the best, but George was still making an effort.

"Nice to meet you Clay." Her voice lacks any kind of nice tone. It was weird, considering how lovely George's voice always was. It was the opposite of the calming feeling I received every time George spoke. I didn't feel like responding so I just nodded, and moved a bit closer to George.

"Let's go upstairs." I nod and follow him. We enter a light blue room, which I assume is George's. It's well decorated with many pictures on the wall of him with various family members. There was a small desk tucked into the corner with his computer on it. A door was open which led to a closet, and his bed was neatly made. It looked much better than my room.

"Looks like you'll be helping me decorate once you move in." I joke and he giggles quietly. He sits down on the edge of his bed, crossing his legs, and I step up to the window, looking out at the now setting sun.

"Is your Mum always like that?" I turn to face him. A frown falls upon his face and he looks down at the floor.

"Yeah, she isn't really the nicest. Neither is my Dad, but I've gotten used to it now so it's nothing important. They just talk to me like I'm not even their child." My eyes soften and I hold back a shaky breath. George didn't deserve to be treated like this.

"Are you happy here?" He shakes his head to signify no, and I step away from the window, making my way towards him. I sit next to him and pull him to my chest, tightly holding onto him. "You'll be happier with me, okay? I'll make sure of it." He nods into my chest and I place my chin on top of his head. The moment is sadly interrupted by a knock at the door.

We quickly pull apart and George stands up, opening the door. His Mum walks in. "I came to ask if Clay wanted to stay for dinner. It's almost ready so I thought it would be nice to join us." I saw her flashing a smile which was so obviously fake.

"Sure, I would love to." The truth was, I would only love to if it was just me and George, but I didn't want to leave already.

She nods then walks out if the room, leaving the door open. The smell of food drifts into the room and George looks at me. I stand up and walk over to him. "You can leave if you want. Don't force yourself to be here."

"No, I want to stay with you, George." He smiles and hugs me, then we make our way downstairs, where his Mum is seated at the dining table with three plates of food for us. George takes a seat and I sit next to him.

We start eating in silence. George reaches to put some more potatoes onto his plate. His Mum gives him a glare and starts talking, a harsh tone in her voice. "George, how many times do I have to tell you, look at yourself. You'll only get even fatter if you keep eating that much." What was she on about? George's body was fine. In fact, he was quite skinny. Very far from the words his Mum was using against him.

George sighs and puts his hand back, looking down into his lap. "He isn't fat." George's head shoots up and he looks at me, excitement bubbling in his eyes. I furrow my eyebrows as I angirly glare at his Mum.

She raises her eyebrow challengingly. "Don't talk to me like that."

"The you don't talk to George like that." I stand up, leaving the rest of my food untouched. She gives me a look of disbelief, as if no one's ever stepped up to her before.

"I can talk to my son however I want to." She crossed her arms and stands up, walking towards the dining room door. "Get out." She then walks down the hall to the livingroom and I watch her disappear through the door.

I look down at George and he smiles at me brightly. "Thank you." I kneel down a bit so our eyes at at even level since he's still sitting on the chair.

"George, I have a crazy idea."

"What is it?"


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