A smile that brightens any room

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"Did you have fun?" He puts all the bags he's holding down on the floor and reaches up to wrap his arms around my neck, embracing me.

"Yeah, I did. It would have been more fun if you were there though." He pouts playfully and pretends to be hurt.

"I'm sorry, George, we can go again soon." He smiles and I place my hands on his waist, connecting our lips briefly for a quick kiss.

"Ew, gross." Nick mocks from behind us. He steps out of the door and picks up some of the bags that George left on the floor. I pull away from George, and he shoots me a look of disappointment but quickly laughs it off.

"Hey Nick." George picks up one of the bags too, but I take it from him and pick up the remaining ones.

"Wait here George, we have something for you. No peaking." He looks at me confused for a second but turns around to face the driveway. Me and Nick walk inside and upstairs, leaving the bags outside George's room.

"Can I look yet?" I hear his quiet voice from outside. We rush to the front door, and I cover George's eyes with my hands. "Where did the sun go?"

I laugh and he lifts his hands up to his face. "It's just me George. You'll see soon. Just walk." He nods and I guide him inside and towards the kitchen. Nick gets a lighter and lights the candles on top of the cake. "Okay, keep your eyes closed."

I remove my hands and go to stand beside George. Me and Nick make eye contact and he nods. "Open your eyes, George." I stare at him, admiring his pretty eyes once they open, the flickering flame of the candles reflecting in them. It creates beautiful sparkles, like two bright gems.

He looks down, and seeing the grin on his face widen is enough for me to mirror his expression. "How did you know it was my birthday?" He turns to me, and hugs me tightly. I chuckle and ruffle his hair.

"You mentioned it in one of your streams." His head shoots up to look at me.

"You watch my streams?" He blushes slightly, which earns my stomach and makes the butterflies in my stomach erupt in a magical dance.

"Of course I do, Georgie. All of the ones I'm not in." He smiles and lifts himself onto his toes, placing a quick kiss on my cheek.

"Where are my kisses?" Nick interrupts our moment. I'd forgotten he was there, and felt a bit bad for him.

"Go find someone else to kiss. George is mine." George giggles quietly at how protective I'm being. We often say things like this, and I knew George liked when I said that I wanted him all to myself.

"George! Can I have a kiss too? I made the cake." Nick jokes while moving closer to us. Me and George pull apart and face him.

"Sure, Nick!" He jokingly replies. I can tell it's a joke but I still feel some jealousy about it.

"No." I grab his waist and pull him back towards me, hugging him tightly from the back. My chest is pressed tightly against his back, and I can feel the vibrations of his voice when he laughs.

"Okay guys let's stop making me a third wheel like usual. George hurry up I want cake." He wriggles out if my grasp and turns himself back to the cake. I watch him get closer to the candles.

"Happy birthday George." Me and Nick begin saying at the same time, but the words end up muffled and making no sense cause we're not in sync at all. It's like singing happy birthday with 20 other people and words can't even be made out.

He blows out the candles, then stands up normally again. Nick goes to get s knife to cut the cake and me and George gravitate towards the kitchen stools.

A few minutes later we're all laughing away to funny jokes while eating cake. George's bright smile makes the room feel like the happiest place on earth. George makes everything so much more enjoyable. "Happy birthday, again, George. I love you."

"I love you too, Clay." We settle on a quick hug to avoid Nick feeling awkward again. He would always be the third wheel when me and George were with him.

"This is for you George." Nick passes a few boxes to him. The presents he had gotten George. I didn't know what any of them were, so I was watching curiously.

"Thank you, Nick." George takes the smallest one first, and rips off the wrapping paper carefully. He holds up a small box, and opens it.

"Seriously?" He gives Nick an annoyed look and he starts laughing. Once I see what's in his hand, I start laughing too. It's a Minecraft dog plushie, but Nick had stuck a small note onto it which said 'make sure this one doesn't die.'

The next present was just a cool pair of shoes George had been looking to buy recently. I'd considered to buy him those, so I was glad I didn't as he would have two of the same thing. That would've been a bit awkward. "I was going to buy you that." I chuckle and George smiles at me.

He reaches for the last gift, and Nick is trying to hold back a laugh as he starts unwrapping it. George stops unwrapping and glares at Nick, covering up the part he'd just unwrapped. "Nick!"

I look at them confused, wondering what it could have been. "I thought you and Clay could have some fun. Y'know."

"You're gross. I am not taking this." He puts the box down onto the counter, crossing his arms angrily.

"You have no choice George, it's a present." George groans, annoyed. I chuckle at their little argument and take the box.

"No, no no. Don't look at it." George tries to take it from me but I hold it up above my head. I open it and can't help but let out a laugh.

"Wow, thanks Nick."


I Fell in Love with a Boy in a Maid Dress - DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now