Finally able to escape

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His father's voice sounds terrifying through the phone. I held onto George tighter, squeezing his hand to calm him. "George, don't come back home. Ever."

A confused expression appeared on the small boy's face. Just as he was about to utter a response, his father began speaking again. "I don't want a son like you. I always thought you might be gay, but now this confirms it. I saw it all. Never let me or your mother see your face ever again."

And with that, a beep sounded through the phone, signalling that the call had been ended on the other end. George switched off the phone and lowered it to the soft sheets of the bed. He turned his face so he could look at me, with a look I'd never seen before. Relief. But a faint trace of loss.

"I'm so glad... I never have to go back there." The joy can be heard in his voice, he's practically speechless.

"You're safe now, George. Safe from them." He nods in agreement with my statement, and nuzzles his face into my neck again. It's easy to see the happiness radiating from him. He's like a glowing star, or a bright ball of fire that never stops burning.

I take out my phone and look at Twitter. A lot of people are talking about me. In fact, it seems that everyone is talking about me. In trending tags, in mentions. Everywhere. There's a lot of support, but also some people hating on me. But the people who are hating don't matter.

I don't care if people hate, I'm happy with George. We deserve to be with each other forever, like we belong. The words of George's father definitely impacted me. They made me realize, that just because people may disapprove, that doesn't mean we can't be with each other.

"That was one of the scariest things I've done." I place my phone next to George's phone, then sit up straighter. The warmth disappears from me as George slightly parts from the comofrting embrace.

"What was scary?" He lifts his hands to cup my face, with worry in his eyes.

"Telling you about my feelings. I was terrified." I laughed quietly to lighten the mood, and George's eyes soften. He lowers his hands, and smiles proudly.

"But I'm glad you did it. I probably wouldn't have done it myself, and I would've lived thinking my feelings weren't reciprocated." It made me laugh a bit, cause I had also gone so long thinking that my feelings weren't reciprocated either. But I guess I was wrong about that. And I'm glad that I was wrong.

"I love you George." It's heartwarming knowing that I can finally say it out loud.

"I love you too." No matter how many times I hear those words, every time it feels like the first time I'm hearing them. The pure bliss that overwhelms me every time George tells me that he loves me. And when I tell him that I love him.

w: sort of sexual actions from here (next chapter is smut)

I tilt his head up, and close the space between us. Our lips place together perfectly. I can feel George's smile through the kiss, and our lips move in sync. We pull apart slightly, but still close enough for George hot breath to send shivers through my entire body. He rests his forehead against mine, staring into my eyes passionately.

He shuffles closer, sitting in a straddle, with his legs either side of mine. My hands naturally move up to his small waist. The material bugs me, so I slip my hands underneath his short dress, meeting his warm skin. I caress the area carefully, feeling George's loving gaze on me.

I bring back the previous contact of our lips. My tongue grazes his lip, trying to slip in, but he playfully tries to annoy me by keeping his lips closed tightly. But I won't accept his disobedience, and his attempt to take control of my actions. My arms lower slightly, brushing against George's body.

His back arches when my cold hand slides down his spine. I grip his butt tightly through his underwear, which surprises him a bit. He lets out a gasp and I take the opportunity to slip my tongue into his mouth. His giggles are muffled and choked back.

Everything feels even more amazing than last time. It's like a whole new experience, even though it was only yesterday that we... did all that.

I feel my cheeks heat up at the thought of everything that happened. How good George's body felt, and all the flustered reactions and beautiful sounds he made when I pushed myself into him several times over.

George notices the evident bulge forming in my pants. He forces away from the kiss, smirking at me. He presses himself harder against the uncomfortable tent between my legs. The sudden friction makes me unable to hold back a moan.

"George, I won't be able to stop myself if you carry on..." He smiles and looks hungrily into my eyes.

"I know."

I Fell in Love with a Boy in a Maid Dress - DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now