How are you so perfect?

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"What do you mean, George?"

His voice returned to normal now and he stopped leaning against me so much. It felt like something really warm was taken away from me. "You'll see what I mean eventually." (😏)

I raise an eyebrow but try not to think about what he said. It would only make me overthink things.

George takes out his phone and I see him open the camera app. He holds the phone in front of us to take a selfie. I laugh and move closer to him, gently placing my chin on top of his head. He smiles brightly, which I love, and takes the photo.

"Can I tweet this?"

"Of course." I get the notification soon after of George tweeting. I click on it and like it. The reactions are... Something else.

"Why do people think I'm your boyfriend?" He scrolls through the replies, some of them are from my friends teasing us but most are from fans shipping us. (Totally not everyone reading this 🥴)

"I don't know, I haven't even come out yet." Although from the replies I've been seeing a lot of people are guessing right...

"What do you mean?"

"I am gay, George." I was scared he would move away from me, or look at me differently... But he didn't.

"I'm proud of you for telling me." He hugged me tighter and at this point it felt like my heart was being microwaved many times. "Are you planning to say it publicly? On the internet?"

I hadn't actually thought about that. After doing my face reveal, it felt like it would be much easier. Before the big reveal I never would've considered even bringing up my sexuality, but now it was different. I knew I had George's support, and Nick's too. The response to my appearance was good, so hopefully the response to me being gay would be good too.

And I had an idea of how I would do it...

"I think I'm ready to talk about it online. It seems easier after getting a positive response from my face reveal." George nodded and his lips formed a very comforting smile. Those lips, that I would've died to kiss right there.

He notices me staring at his lips and his cheeks change in colour as usual. I'm starting to think the chances of him liking me back are pretty high... Hopefully.

"Just make sure you're ready and don't pressure yourself." I nod. Even though we only just met, George is so incredibly supportive and kind to me. How do I even deserve such a wonderful person in my life?

I stand up and drag him up with me, our hands interlocked. "Do you want to hang out tomorrow once you're out of work?"

"I don't have work tomorrow. Only Monday to Wednesday. So I'm free the entire day." My eyes brighten upon hearing that. Suddenly I feel full of energy and excitement.

"So is that a yes?"

"Yes." He moves closer and wraps his arms around my torso, laying his head against me chest. My heart is beating incredibly fast, and I'm hoping he doesn't notice...

I hear him yawn quietly. "Are you tired George?"

"Yeah, kinda."

"Do you want to stay here tonight?" Thinking about getting to cuddle George while we fell asleep made me smile. Of course, there were... Less wholesome thoughts too, but I pushed them away.

"Like a sleepover?" He looks like an excited puppy right now. It's adorable. How can he be so cute all of the time? He could be on the verge of death and still look perfect...

"Yes, like a sleepover." He jumps up and wraps his arms around my neck. I almost fall over but manage to stop myself from tipping over and gain my balance again. I hold his waist so he doesn't fall either.

"Yes, I would love to." I pull him off me, noticing the disappointed look in his eyes. We go upstairs to my room and I open my closet and start shuffling through the many items of clothing. Why do I own so many clothes? I only wear, like, the same two things...

I get out one of my merch hoodies and a t-shirt, handing it to George. He takes it with a smile and starts undressing. It took me by surprise just like last time, but I guess I'll just have to get used to seeing George's body... Not that it's a bad thing...

I head into my bathroom and change into my pijamas then head back out, throwing the clothes into some random corner of my room.

He's quickly changed, and my clothes fit him pretty loosely. His pale legs are exposed. "Are you cold?" I get into the bed and lift up the sheets so he would lay next to me.

He slides under the covers and lays down incredibly close to me. I can practically feel his body touching mine. I wrap the sheets around him tightly so he's warm. "I'm not cold now cause you're really warm."

He moves closer to me and wraps one arm around my torso, then gently lays his head on my chest. I smile and reach to turn off the lamp on my bedside table. The room is engulfed in darkness, and I can just barely make out George's features. Even in this darkness, he still looks amazing.

Without thinking, I place a kiss on his forehead. "Goodnight George."


I Fell in Love with a Boy in a Maid Dress - DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now